Friday, May 8, 2009

You might be a Professional Genealogist if ...

The Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) mailing list continues debating who is a professional, what are the requirements to be a professional, how do they get the appellation, and other hoary topics for several months now.

Richard Pence has composed a list of humorous (mostly, I think!) criteria to help everyone decide if they are or not - see his post here. Here are just two of his 17 requirements:

"- your leisure time is spent memorizing source citation templates from _Evidence Explained_.

"- your Aunt Hester won't talk to you because she thinks you don't' know all of the darkest family secrets . . . and is sure you would publish them if you did."

Please read the full list that Richard created from his own experience and imagination. I can truthfully say I've done 6 of his list!

So what do you think qualifies someone to be a professional genealogist? That they take clients for hire? That they have CG or AG credentials? That they are a member of APG? That they write and/or edit books and periodicals? That they work for a genealogy research company? That they say they are (they self-designate) and therefore they are? The APG mailing list has debated all of this through several cycles.

I think we have the makings of a Saturday Night Genealogy Fun here - look for the question tomorrow! Think about how you can add to Richard's funny and mostly spot-on list.


Anonymous said...

I think his list is somehow missing the last entry:

* You make fun of discussions about professionalism through a humourous lists of criteria.

Lori Thornton said...

I'll confess to 12 of the 17.