Ah, Saturday Night again, time for some Genealogy Fun. C'mon, rack your brain and come up with something funny and appropriate to the theme of:
"You Might be a Professional Genealogist if ..."
The directions for this SNGF are:
1) Check Richard Pence's list on the Association of Professional Genealogists mailing list, and don't duplicate any of them.
2) Create your own (hopefully) funny and (definitely) appropriate thoughts
3) Post them on your own blog or in comments to this post.
Here are some of mine:
* ... you shamelessly hawk your books, magazine articles, CDs, videos and lectures on mailing lists, Facebook and Twitter.
* ... you were once injured by stacks of genealogy books and magazines falling on you.
* ... you complain when less-experienced researchers with lower rates take away some of your business.
* ... you think that "professional" means "getting paid for your work" and nothing more.
That's enough for now, and I know that they aren't that good (I'm really not very creative, I fear).
This has the potential to be interesting and funny. Give us one thought or many!
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
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Your visit to a cemetery includes the following equipment: a laptop, PDA, digital camera (with disposable backup), GPS, and, if time, flowers.
...if your business cards feature a headstone.
...if you missed your own family reunion because you were organizing a client's.
...if you find yourself mentally formating EE citations in antique shops.
...if you think 'professional' covers a wide ground - including ethical and thorough research for pay or not.
Just one injury due to the book or magazine avalanche? I thought that happened at least once a week!
You call the oldest people you can find out of the blue(these are people that you have never talked to before, of course), and ask them for anything they can remember. You do not hesitate to knock on the door of the current owners of your ancestors homes and ask permission to enter and take photos.
...when your greeting on your answering machine or service is you singing "Don't Climb Up Your Family Tree With Any One Else But Me!"
... if you dream about your client's family and not your own.
You break your ankle by stepping (slipping!) on a transcript of the 1850 Barren Co., KY census as you get up from your computer chair.
...if you've ever been locked in a library after hours because you were so engrossed you didn't realize everyone else had left.
...if you've ever talked a courthouse clerk in a distant locale into locking you in for the rest of the weekend when the staff closed at Saturday noon.
...if you've ever left a repository when it closed at 5:00 and dashed to another town whose library stays open late--because you're hot on a trail you just can't abandon.
... if you feel privileged to practice a profession that keeps you enthused, inspired, and challenged.
...if you remember the birthdays and anniversaries of your dead ancestors, but forget those of your living relatives.
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