Paula Hinkel of the Southern California Genealogical Society posted a news update for the SCGS Genealogy Jamboree, scheduled for 26-28 June in Burbank, on several mailing lists yesterday - here is a link to one of the mailing list posts.
Her post said:
It's hard to believe that it's already June 3 and that Jamboree is just about three weeks away. There are so many Jamboree updates that I'm going to break this month's update into two emails - Jamboree and everything else that is going on at SCGS.
You can find links to all Jamboree mentions at our blog at If you have not yet signed up to get email updates for Jamboree activities, please, please do so. It's the very best way to stay updated on all of the last-minute details, such as parking, schedule changes, special announcements, etc.
Friday-Sunday, June 26-28, 2009
Southern California Genealogy Jamboree
Burbank Airport Marriott Hotel and Convention Center
2500 Hollywood Way Burbank, CA 91505
Friday, June 5 - Last day for discounted Marriott Hotel reservations
Monday, June 15 - Last day for preregistration for Jamboree
Monday, June 15 - Last day to sign up for banquets or breakfasts Register for Jamboree at
We are experiencing some trouble getting through spam folders. If you have registered for any event at Jamboree, please check your spam folders to see if you are getting your Jamboree updates. If you have not already done so, please put us on your approved email list.You should receive your registration confirmation by Sunday, June 6.
- Look for email subject "2009 SCGS Jamboree Confirmation"
- Sent by Louise Calaway at
Your survey invitation was sent earlier this week
- Look for email subject "Genealogy Jamboree Important Update
-Please Read"- Sent by Paula Hinkel at or
We are so glad that many of this year's sessions are going to be audio recorded and available on CD. You can purchase the CDs at Jamboree or later through the website of JAMB Tapes. We will have a link on the SCGS website after Jamboree
Joining Jamboree for the first time will be,,, and Save Their Story, LA as Subject,and Uncle Ronnie's Pens.
For an updated floor plan, click on the"exhibitor" button on the Jamboree section of the SCGS website.
See the full post on the mailing list or on the Jamboree blog.
Linda and I are all set for the train trip to the Jamboree with my San Diego Genealogical Society colleagues. The last I heard, there were 17 going by train from San Diego, leaving the driving to Amtrak and getting off two blocks from the Jamboree hotel. It should be fun, and I can attend the Sunday sessions without having to drive home exhausted.
I'm really looking forward to meeting many more geneabloggers. Thomas MacEntee is putting together some meetups and some goodies - see his post Are You Attending the SoCal Jamboree? Let Thomas know if you are attending.
Don't forget the Bloggers Summit 2 presentation on Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m. - I posted more about it in SCGS Genealogy Jamboree News last month. The description of this meeting is:
"SA-09 Summit 2: Son of Blogger [Morgan, The Ancestry Insider, Cooke, Danko, Dardashti, DearMYRTLE, Eastman, Manson, Meitzler] Panel Discussion. Genealogy bloggers, podcasters, and video casters use the Internet in ways that have changed communications to genealogists and family historians. This panel discussion will cover a wide range of topics, including: How have bloggers changed the flow of information between vendors and their customers? How can family history blogs help to exchange information and locate cousins? What are the ethical issues of blogging? What tips do these pros have for starting your own blog? What tools are available to help bloggers get up and running? Email your questions to (Session runs from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon.)"
I know that there will be many more geneabloggers in the audience than on the panel! How many will live blog and tweet the Blogger's panel? Will they ask really hard questions of the panel? Many of us in the audience will "know" (meaning they read their work and communicate with them) every geneablogger in the room - will the members of the panel be able to say that?
The entire SCGS Jamboree program is available in PDF format here. This conference is a really good deal - three days of top-notch genealogy presentations and an excellent exhibit hall for $80 in registration fees (pre-registration at $80 ends on 15 June). The Registration Form is here.
See you at the Jamboree! This is going to be fun... and exhilarating ... and exhausting. Genea-exhilarausting!
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
Yeah for the Genea-bloggers! You are so right about all of us "knowing" each other already even though most of us have yet to meet in person. Jsmboree is going to be a wonderful chance to let everyone know what we are truly all about.
Looking forward to meeting you and all the others at Jamboree! I expect that we might even get 50 geneabloggers in attendance - right now my headcount is at 32!
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