Elyse Doerflinger (author of Elyse's Genealogy Blog) requests the pleasure of your answers on her surveys about genealogy experience and expenses. Please read her The Coolest Statistics Project Ever post and then take the survey.
The survey is in two parts - Part 1 about your genealogy experiences and Part 2 about your demographics.
Elyse will post the results of the survey on her blog after she has received and collated all of the responses. She says:
"This survey is entirely anonymous - I never ask for your name. All of your answers are completely confidential, and the only two people who will ever see your individual answers are myself and my professor. "
Please help Elyse out - the more responses she gets, the better the survey results will be.
UPDATED 1 p.m. Ah, good intentions here, but Elyse's survey is now closed for osme reason. Perhaps she will get it re-opened.
UPDATED 10 p.m.: Elyse has reconstituted her survey - the links above are for the updated survey. This may happen again if she is inundated with responses.
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
Randy, It seems as though both parts of Elyse's survey is now closed. Perhaps there was TOO MANY responses and it "clogged up" her bandwidth allotment? It was interesting reading the others comments on her blog, though..
Randy, the problem is now fixed and the link son my blog are now correct.
I was using a free survey program - and apparently I was only allotted a certain number of responses. So I had to recreate the survey (with a slightly different title but exact same questions) so that I could acomodate all of the answers
Is there a place to view the results of her study. Being a statistician, I love these kind of studies. I love playing with the data. I use to say --- let the numbers tell you the story. Many times co-workers would ask me to conduct studies to prove or non-prove theories or possibilities and probablities. I would develope an objective DOE and gather data. Apply statistical formulas such varible studies and t-tests. I loved to discover what the numbers told us. If my audience did not like my results, I often asked my boss what was the objection --- corrected the varible in accordance with my audience and lo and behold the numbers 98% of the time came out withthe exact same results. You do that enough times and your co-workers learn to trust your data.
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