Sunday, February 14, 2010

Lisa Kudrow on Lisa Cooke's Genealogy Gems Podcast #81

Lisa Louise Cooke's latest Genealogy Gems Podcast, Number 81, is a Valentine's Day treat for all of us - it features a length telephone interview with Lisa Kudrow, the producer, and one of the subjects, of the coming NBC-TV show, Who Do You Think You Are?

Listen to the podcast - it's great. Lisa Kudrow is so excited about her show, and knows that all of us in the genealogy world are also.

You can see a short clip of Lisa Kudrow and the other subjects of WDYTYA on Lisa's Genealogy Gems Podcast blog here.

There is more information about the TV show at The show will run on Friday nights at 8 pm. starting on March 5th through April 23rd.

Thank you to Lisa Cooke for the podcast and to Lisa Kudrow for the TV show. I can hardly wait!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is a show out already called The Generations Project. It's really cool because it features every day people and they aren't actors. You should check it out.
It plays on Monday nights at 8pm on BYU Television. They have a Facebook page too.

I just thought you would be interested.