Friday, December 10, 2010

Free Family Forest Ancestral eBook

I received an email from Kristine Harrison at FamilyForest about their offer for a free eBook.  The email said:

"For a limited time your readers can receive a free Family Forest® Ancestral eBook of their choice at see  for details.

"Kristine Harrison
Millisecond Publishing Company, Inc.
Co-Founder of the Family Forest® Project
A People-Centered Approach To History®"

I followed up to see how the process worked, and Kristine added this information:

"All someone needs to do is to e-mail a short thoughtful answer to any one of the ten questions (, along with the title of whatever eBook they would like, to

"Then I will send them a link to the free download via It's that simple, and no hidden fees."

This is, of course, a pretty nice way to introduce the FamilyForest products to a set of savvy genealogists that might be interested in it.  I appreciate Kristine's offer.  I ordered the eBook about descendants of Edward III since I have (I think) at least one descendant from him.  There were several others that interested me - Richard Warren, William White, Henry Adams and John Prescott.

Please check out what offers.

Disclosure:  I am not an employee, contractor, affiliate or agent for FamilyForest.  I have received no remuneration for writing this post, but I am taking advantage of the free eBook offer.

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