I'm posting family photographs from my collection on Wednesdays, but they won't be Wordless Wednesday posts like others do - I simply am incapable of having a wordless post.
Here is a photograph from the Seaver//Carringer family collection handed down by my mother in the 1988 to 2002 time period:
This photograph was taken by my grandfather, Lyle Lawrence Carringer (1891-1976) in October 1951 (according to the note on the back of the photo). It shows the nearly completed house that my grandparents built on Point Loma at 825 Harbor View Place overlooking San Diego Bay.
The exterior of the home is completed in this photograph, but there is no vegetation planted yet. I don't know if the interior of the house has been finished yet, but I know that they moved into the house in November 1951.
The automobile in front of the house may be Lyle's car. I'm just not sure if that is theirs or not, and the three cars we saw last week may have been neighbors or construction workers automobiles. I doubt that my grandparents bought a new car between last week's picture and this week's picture! The auto in this picture is shown in several other photos from the October 1951 time period, so I'm thinking now that this is the Carringer's automobile. What is it? Now I think that it might be a 1942 Studebaker Commander, but nothing on the Studebaker page looks exactly like the car in my photo above!
UPDATED 14 April: Reader Ben Walker emailed that he thinks the car is a 1941 Hudson. I checked http://www.carnut.com/photo/list/hudson/hud41.html and think that Ben is right! Thanks, Ben!!
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