Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tuesday's Tip - Finding U.S. Naturalization Records

This week's Tuesday's Tip is to:  Use the guidelines at Joe Beine's website "Finding U.S. Naturalization Records" (http://www.germanroots.com/naturalizationrecords.html) to help you determine where naturalization records are located and how to obtain them.

There are two categories for naturalization records - before and after 27 September 1906.  There are links to the Family History Library Catalog, the National Archives, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service, and finding aids for specific locations, by state.  A summary of the types of naturalization records can be found at http://www.genealogybranches.com/naturalization.html.

Online Searchable Naturalization Records are summarized, by state, at http://www.germanroots.com/naturalization.html.

This is the website that I recommend in my genealogy classes for information about the naturalization process and record access.  Thank you, Joe!

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