My ancestral line back to Katreen Diamond is:1. Randall Jeffrey Seaver (1943-....)
2. Frederick Walton Seaver (1911-1983)
3. Betty Virginia Carringer (1919-2002)
6. Lyle Lawrence Carringer (1891-1976)
7. Emily Kemp Auble (1899-1977)
14. Charles Auble (1849-1916)
15. Georgianna Kemp (1868-1952)
30. James Abram Kemp (1831-1902)
31. Mary Jane Sovereen (1841-1874)
60. Abraham James Kemp (1795-after 1881)
61. Sarah Sephrona Fletcher (1802-after 1861)
120. John Kemp (1768-after 1861)
121. Mary Dafoe (1776-before 1851
242. Abraham Dafoe, born before 11 May 1755 in Albany, Albany, New York, United States; died 1815 in Fredericksburg, Addington, Ontario, Canada. He was the son of 484. Johann Ernst Dafoe and 485. Maria Keller. He married about 1775 in New York, United States.
243. Katreen Diamond, born about 1755 in New York, United States. Her parents are unknown.
Children of Abraham Dafoe and Katreen Diamond are:
* Mary Dafoe, born about 1776 in Vermont, United States; died before 1851 in probably Cramahe, Northumberland, Ontario, Canada; married John Kemp 26 January 1795 in Fredericksburg, Addington, Ontario, Canada.
* female Dafoe, born about 1780 in Vermont, United States; died 1784.
* Jacob Dafoe, born 1784 in probably Quebec, Canada; died 1872; married Anne Phillips 01 October 1804 in Fredericksburg, Addington, Ontario, Canada; born 1787.
* Elizabeth Dafoe, born 23 March 1786 in Fredericksburg, Addington, Ontario, Canada; died 31 March 1861; married Henry Sharp 01 November 1809 in Fredericksburg, Addington, Ontario, Canada; born 1782; died 1852.
* George Dafoe, born before 09 March 1788 in Fredericksburg, Addington, Ontario, Canada; died 08 May 1887; married Elizabeth Sills 30 September 1806 in Fredericksburg, Addington, Ontario, Canada; born 13 February 1791 in Fredericksburg, Addington, Ontario, Canada; died in .
* Lucy Dafoe, born before 11 December 1791 in Fredericksburg, Addington, Ontario, Canada.
I do not know Katreen Diamond's parents names. There are family trees that claim the parents are John Diamond and Christina Loyst, but the John Diamond (born ca 1760) that married Christina Loyst is very likely the same generation as Katreen rather than her father. There is a Dymond web page at "Dymond of Hudson's River" that has descendants of Edward Dymond (1723). There is a Catherine Dimond born 1758, daughter of John and Maritie (--?--) Dimond, that married Daniel Emigh that is the right age on the web page.
If any Dafoe or Diamond/Dimond cousins have more information, I would love to know about it.
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