Sunday, July 31, 2011

SNGF "Genealogy OCD" Compendium

There were many excellent posts responding to the Saturday Night Genealogy Fun mission this past weekend, including:

*  The referenced posting of 10 Signs You Have Genealogy OCD  by Michael John Neill on the blog.  Check out the comments for several more contributions.

SNGF: 10 Signs you have summer holiday GOCD by Caroline Gurney on Caro's Family Chronicles blog.

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun – Signs You Have GOCD by Jo on the Images Past blog.

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun: Signs You Have GOCD by Dorene from Ohio on The Graveyard Rabbit of Sandusky Bay blog.

SNGF - Signs You Have GOCD by Deb Ruth on the Adventures in Genealogy blog.

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun: Signs you know you have GOCD by the writer of the 1 Ancestry 2 Little Time blog.

A Bit of Saturday Night Genealogy Fun: Signs of GOCD by Denise Levenick on The Family Curator blog.

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Signs You Have GOCD by Jacqueline on the My Journey Back blog.

SNGF - Genealogy OCD  by GeneaPopPop on the Stardust 'n' Roots blog.

SNGF: Genealogy OCD by Chris Staats on the Staats Place blog.  Hmmm, Chris's post had no GOCD items, just an explanation why he didn't have any that reflected his GOCD.

OCD? Really? Probably! by Wendy Littrell on the All My Branches Genealogy blog.

In addition:

*  Reader Owlhart posted five GOCD items as a comment to my blog post.

*  Reader Maggie posted one GOCD item as a comment to my blog post.

*  Tamura Jones posted one GOCD item as a note on Google Plus.

15 submissions to date.  Thank you all for having some genealogy fun on Saturday night (or Sunday) and for having such good senses of humor (I know, it's humour in the British/Scottish/Down Under world).

I will update this post if more are found or submitted.  If you wrote a post, please let me know at  Thanks

Last updated:  Monday, 1 August, 9 a.m.

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