Thursday, June 21, 2012

More Videos on YouTube Channel has been adding several short videos each week to their YouTube channel (  These videos are usually done by Crista Cowan and Ancestry Anne in 15 to 20 minute segments.  The count on the Channel is 316 as of today!

The video titles for the last two weeks are:

* LIVE: MyCanvas and Other Ideas for Publishing Your Family History

* LIVE: Using Member Profiles

* LIVE: What If There Isn't an Index, How Do I Find Who I'm Looking 

* Father's Day with Alan Thicke

* LIVE: Creating Timelines to Better Understand Records and Families

* LIVE: What's New At, June Edition

*  1940 U.S. Census: Interactive Image Viewer

* LIVE: Keeping Track of All That Research: Using Notes in FTM and Trees

I watched this last one today, and found that Crista Cowan does her research notes differently from the way I do them.

I think that these 15 to 20 minute episodes, on specific aspects of using or other Ancestry properties, is a great way to help researchers focus on one thing and learn how to accomplish a task.  I know that I don't have much trouble finding 20 minutes in my day but I do struggle to carve out 60 minutes or more.  Kudos to Ancestry, Crista and Anne for doing these videos.  I love their enthusiasm too!

The URL for this post is:

Copyright (c) 2012, Randall J. Seaver

1 comment:

Crista Cowan said...

Thanks for the shout out, Randy. We love putting these together. I have learned that we don't know what we don't know so continuing education in genealogy is vital to our growth as genealogists and family historians.