Wednesday, July 10, 2013 Presentations at SDGS Meeting on Saturday, 13 July

The July program meeting of the San Diego Genealogical Society (SDGS) is Saturday, July 13th, at St. Andrew's Lutheran Church (8350 Lake Murray Blvd, just south of Jackson Drive) from 10 a.m.until 12:30 p.m.  This is the Annual Ice Cream Social meeting.

The speaker this month is Randy Seaver with two presentations:

1)  Searching Effectively has many wonderful features, a lavish buffet where it is hard to choose what to use and how to use it.  In the Searching talk, Randy will discuss the effective use of such "New Search" features as basic or advanced search forms, exact or ranked matches, full names or wild cards, name and locality filter options, specific or all databases, restricted or whole collections, and website navigation.

2)  Growing Your Ancestry Member Tree

There are over 46 million Ancestry Member Trees with over 4 billion person profiles.  They are useful as an online backup for your tree, for finding records for your ancestor, as cousin bait, and to enable you to find matches with AncestryDNA.  In this talk, Randy will describe how to create a FREE Ancestry Member Tree, how to find pertinent records, add stories and media, sync with Family Tree Maker 2012, create a coffee table book, and more.

Randy is a native San Diegan, well known for his nationally recognized blog, Genea-Musings, which provides genealogy research tips and techniques, news items and commentary, humor, San Diego society news, and his own family history research and some family history stories.  Randy started pursuing genealogy research in 1988 because he wanted a new avocation, and it quickly turned into an addiction.  He uses RootsMagic, Legacy Family Tree and FamilyTreeMaker.  His research has resulted in a database of over 41,000 persons.  Randy is a frequent speaker throughout the Southern California area.

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Copyright (c) 2013, Randall J. Seaver

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