Tuesday, July 9, 2013

This Week's Genealogical Eclectica - 9 July 2013

This week's collection of genealogical eclectica includes:

1)  Elizabeth Lapointe does a Canada Week in Review every Monday on her Genealogy Canada blog - it's very useful for Canadian researchers.  Her post for July 8, 2013 is here.

2)  Mick Southwick has a weekly British and Irish Genealogy News post each week on the British & Irish Genealogy blog - see his post for 9 July here.

3)  DearMYRTLE hosted her weekly "Mondays With Myrt" panel Hangout on Air on 8 July 2013 - you can watch the YouTube video on her YouTube channel.

4)  This week's Legacy Family Tree webinar is "Canadian Ports of Entry: Ship Passenger Lists, Immigration Records, and Border Crossing Records" with Kathryn Lake Hogan.  It airs live on Wednesday, 10 July 2013 at 2 p.m. EDT (11 a.m. PDT, 2100 GMT).  You can register at http://familytreewebinars.com/webinar_details.php?webinar_id=51.  The webinar will be free to view for one week after the live program.

5)  You can see a complete list of upcoming genealogy webinars and Hangouts on Air on the GeneaWebinars website calendar - http://blog.geneawebinars.com/

6)  Thomas MacEntee had a wickedly funny screen shot (real - I tried it myself!) on his 50 Shades of Genealogy blog; the post was titled "When You Discover on Ancestry that New Search Died in 2006."

The URL for this post is:  http://www.geneamusings.com/2013/07/this-weeks-genealogical-eclectica-9.html

Copyright (c) 2013, Randall J. Seaver

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