1) On My Autosomal DNA Quandary (posted 22 August 2013):
a) Eileen said: "Randy, what a great post and so relevant. I wrote on my DNA quandary today, too. Please see my post at http://www.oldbonesgenealogy.com/dna-and-me/."
b) Jacqi Stevens noted: "Randy, thanks for your thorough posts on the various facets of DNA testing you are observing. Though not quite so facile as you in handling the resulting data, I'm going through the genetic testing process on behalf of two relatives, myself--and sometimes feeling as if I need to return to college to get an advanced degree on the subject before proceeding with any analysis...or...confess that I feel mildly as if I am a player in a variation of the unfolding tale, 'The Emperor's New Clothes.' Are these results valid? Why the differences? You are the same 'you' in all three iterations, I'm presuming. Like you, I have a lot of questions (even though I'm doing my best to get myself educated on the subject), but my questions are much more rough around the edges."
c) Anonymous commented: "I don't know much about dna yet. I have found many things in 23andme.com 's testing to be correct in the relatives and health categories. I used their testing and watched it with a cynical eye. I am satisfied. I am wondering who's right between 23andme and gedmatch.com or both."
d) Cary Bright suggested: "Instead of transferring your results, go to each site and down load the "raw data" from each autosomal testing company and then go to http://www.gedmatch.com to upload each of the raw data files with the wonderful upload directions you find after you create a Gedmatch.com login. You will have to wait a few weeks to see the comparisons, but soon you can see how you relate to your other "twins". Your fun is just beginning once you learn your Chr. matching!!"
My comment: Great suggestion, Cary. I will do that!
2) On Finding Henry Carringer's Land in Louisa County, Iowa (posted 21 August 2013):
a) Geolover helped: "When determined to track down land ownership history when in a Land Grant State and the land was sold pursuant to Court order, it can be useful to establish prior and subsequent owners.
"This is partly because there may be further Court proceedings than you found in the estate record proper, where the administrator came into the Probate Court or a different Court and produced evidence that (for instance) he had placed advertisements in accordance with law of time/place, notifying the public of sale, and that on such-and-such a date he sold the property to XXX (who might have been the only or the best-price bidder). There may be a Court ordering the Sheriff, the administrator, or an appointed commissioner to make out a deed of sale, perhaps with conditions as to payment and distribution of proceeds.
"Two possible date-bracketing points are 1) original grantee of the land and date; 2) identity of owner of the land as soon as possible after the land left the relative's estate's possession.
"The BLM/GLO site search form has a way to search for properties by legal description as to Township, Range Meridian and Section:
"In this case, the Meridian was not necessary to find that the original grantee was one Draper Tabor in 1848. One possible "plus" is that one just might find that an unsuspected relative was original owner, a tipoff to possible further estate matters of interest. So it's always wise to check out such "first" titles.
"For the second bracketing date, I found there was a land-ownership map for Louisa County, IA published in 1900. The Townships mostly still have their original legal descriptions, so finding Sec. 29 would be an easy matter.
"When a parcel is sold pursuant to Court order, the grantor might not be the Administrator, and the deceased owner or heirs might not be listed in the grantor-grantee indices to deeds/mortgages. So if one can find a subsequent owner, their purchase deed just might give official history -- from whom exactly they bought it, and might even given a land-record book volume and page number.
"Similarly, your party of interest might have bought the land pursuant to yet another Court proceeding. Sometimes in these instances no sale deed was recorded, transfer of title was considered valid pursuant to whatever order of whatever Court. This could have occurred through partition of yet another estate (partition records might occur in unexpected places, not necessarily in books specifically dedicated to such records). But at least knowing the name of the original grantee gives one a place to start, in the knowledge that one might have to delve through estate records of unexpected persons, such as of Mr. Tabor.
"It can be very useful to try to get familiar with what Courts existed for the time/place of interest, what their jurisdictions were, and something about estate and land-conveyance procedures.
"Land records are fun!"
My comment: Thank you, Geolover, for the tutorial and suggestions. I will follow up, and report back. Yes, land records are fun ... and sometimes difficult to access.
3) On Amanuensis Monday - Post 185: Probate Records of Henry Carringer (1800-1879) - Part 1 (posted 19 August 2013):
a) Geolover commented: "Sometimes the administrator on an intestate estate was a principal creditor. Sometimes in this case the person is identified as such by the appointing authority, and/or in the petition for administration. Petitions for administration also can identify heirs and their residences, and even ages of minor heirs.
"If any accounting or settlement were filed, if the administrator was a creditor you could see him receiving a large share of the estate assets. It is possible also that some personal property goods or monies were allocated to the widow for her support for a certain period of time.
"It really is useful to obtain a full estate record, start to finish."
My comment: Agreed. I have more estate items for another post or two. This post was the one which named the heirs.
4) On Roger the Watchdog is in the 1911 England Census (posted 16 August 2013):
a) Hilary Gadsby offered: "As with earlier censuses the numbers refer to registration districts, enumeration districts and schedules. See the website for the National Archive of the UK. http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/default.htm
My comment: I didn't know that, thanks for the link too.
b) Claire Keenan helped: "Record Group, Piece. I assume UKC is UK Census. 1911 is the census year--which normally you wouldn't put in a TNA (The National Archives) cite, as the RG number is specific to each census (and other grouping of records). Internally TNA would just use RG/Piece/Page number format. Their site probably explains it better... :-)"
c) Claire again: "FYI, the full cite in the UK for paper / microfilm use of TNA material is RG/Piece/Folio/Page (a series of numbers separated by slashes). Once you get to know them, the RG numbers are all you need to identify the type and year of the record. Hope that helps explain it. "
My comment: Thanks, Claire for the help on this. I haven't memorized these citations yet! I still need to use the source templates (thank goodness for the source templates!).
5) On Using the Web Tags Feature in RootsMagic 6 (posted 13 August 2013):
a) Tom Holden offered: "I worked on getting URLs to sources from Ancestry.com GEDCOMs to marry up with sources and their respective images downloaded by FamilyTreeMaker and then get those URLs into the WebTags of the Citations imported into RootsMagic. That is described at WebTags - from Ancestry.com and FTM. Then, given that Citation WebTags are so hard to get to, I developed WebTags - Consolidate to create Person WebTags from Citation WebTags to help consolidate all WebTags pertaining to a person to the WebTags button on the Edit Person Screen."
My comment: Thanks, Tom. i'll take a look at those RootsMagic Tools.
6) That's it for this week's valiant commenters - the ones who successfully defeated the Captcha developed by the Blogger Spam Chasers to tax the patience of every blog commenter.
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2013/08/follow-up-friday-helpful-and_23.html
Copyright (c) 2013, Randall J. Seaver
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