Sunday, August 17, 2014

Post #8000 on Genea-Musings

My motto:  "Life is short - eat ice cream and do genealogy first!"

A funny thing happened eight years and four months ago on my way to the ice cream store - I said to myself:  "Randy, maybe you could blog about something once a week or so ... about genealogy, politics, sports, religion, you, know, your life."  My wife said "Honey, that would probably be pretty boring - who in the world would read what you write?"

So the experiment began, and 8,000 posts later here I am - happily stuck in a "routine" of writing two or three or more blog posts each day about genealogy resources and results on Genea-Musings, a daily journal blog post on The Geneaholic almost every day, and occasional posts on the Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe.  Then there's Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus, including my almost weekly participation on video (available on YouTube) in Mondays With Myrt!  My wife wonders what I do in the Genealogy Cave every day for eight or ten hours!  

Oh, I forgot, there's my society meetings, society presentations, the senior adult and CVGS education classes, and I even find time to spend on online research (and very occasional repository research), entering data and sources into my genealogy database, entertaining the grandchildren and my wife, and watching Padres baseball games on TV or at Petco Park.  There is Life with Genealogy!  But, for me, there is no Life without Genealogy!  It's part of me, who I am, and has been for 26 years.

In celebration of my 8,000th post (that's over 2.6 posts per day on average, and over 960 posts per year on average), I'm going to take the rest of the day off from ... blogging, not genealogy.  Tomorrow is another day.  I'll be away next weekend to visit my daughter and grandsons in Santa Cruz, and my other daughter is having a baby in four weeks, so I do get to do some "real life" things.  

The statistics for eight years of blogging, from SiteMeter and Blogger:

*  1,506,500 visits (average of 510 per day, SiteMeter since July 2006)
*  2,422,400 page views (average of 820 per day, SiteMeter since July 2006)
*  13,858 comments (average of 1.7 per post, Blogger since 2007).

Thank you to my friends, geneablogging colleagues, and Genea-Musings readers for their patience, understanding, collaboration and support over the years - it's been a lot of fun, and I hope it continues for years to come.

I do appreciate your comments and emails, and will be happy to answer "Dear Randy" questions about genealogy, research, online resources, software, family trees, etc. on the blog.

The URL for this post is:

Copyright (c) 2014, Randall J. Seaver


GeneGinny said...

Thank you, Randy. I can't imagine my genea-life without you.

. said...

Congrats to you, Randy!! I just love Genea-Musings and all the wonderful posts here. I learn so much from you:) Please keep it all going!
Diane Weintraub
Nuts From the Family Tree

Jacqi Stevens said...

"Funny," I think, as I sit down at my computer with my bowl of ice cream, to read my fav genea blog posts, "That's exactly what I would have said." (Well, minus a few thousand posts!)

Congratulations, Randy, on achieving 8,000 well-informed, timely, occasionally humorous, much-appreciated posts on your blog. May there be many more!

Colleen G. Brown Pasquale said...

Randy, congratulations! Starting a genealogy blog was a great idea. We are all very glad you did!

Dana Leeds said...

Congrats! That's quite an accomplishment. I think I'll go have some ice cream in your honor... and maybe do a little genealogy. ;)

Nancy said...

Congratulations, Randy. You sure know how to do things in a big way -- and are so very successful. Thanks for all those posts and the things we learn because of them. Here's to 8,000 more!

Seeds to Tree said...

Congratulations Randy! You deserve a little time off :)
Hope we read at least 8000 more.

Dr. Bill (William L.) Smith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dr. Bill (William L.) Smith said...

Thank you, Randy. You have made my life much richer for your work. Here is to 8,000 more blog posts! ;-)

Alex Daw said...

Randy! Congratulations. That is a fantastic effort. And I am right with you. Life IS short - eat icecream and do genealogy first. I'll be quoting you on that. Thanks for all the fun!

Diane B said...

Randy what I love about your blog is that you are actually doing genealogy, and you take us along on those quests. And yet, you still have time for lots of local involvement, tech write ups, genealogy road trips, news and updates. As Dr Bill said, here's to the next 8,000.

Joe said...

Dude! Congratulations! I think my blog has less than 200 posts so it looks like I have some catching up to do :)

Charlie Purvis said...

Congratulation, your postings are both enlightning and educational. I appreciate the help you provided on several occasions.

Bill West said...

Congratulations, Randy! HYour blog was one of the first I discovered, and inspired me to start my own. So it's all your fault! :)

Bribie Family History Association said...

Fantastic achievement - keep on geneablogging!

Barbara Jean Mathews said...


What a great record! You are an inspiration to us all.

Yours, Barbara

GeniAus said...

You're an inspiration, Randy. Thaks for all you do for the geneacommunity.

Celia Lewis said...

Congratulations to you, Randy. Your blog was one of the very first I read back in 2007, and got me interested in reading blogs! Look after your health - we'd love to have you around for a long time! Cheers.

Jana Iverson Last said...


Congrats on your 8000th post!

I want to let you know that your wonderful blog post is listed in today's Fab Finds post at

Have a great weekend!