1) There are more ways to navigate in the family tree. Here they are:
* The "Pedigree" View shows four generations, with arrows to the right of the 4th generation to extend that branch of the tree:
A user can click on any name and see their information, and click on their "Profile" to see more information about the person (covered in Post 1).
There is a "Print" icon and a "Settings" icon on the upper far right side of the screen above.
By clicking on the down arrow at the top of the chart, in the "bread crumb trail" for "Pedigree," a drop-down menu provides more navigation options.
* Here is the "Family View" chart option, which shows three generations of families:
* The "Family Group" view option shows a family group sheet format:
* The "People" view option provides a list of all of the people in the family tree.
Clicking on the blue "View" button provides a dropdown menu to go to the Pedigree, Family view, Family Group or Profile.
2) On the person "Profile" page, there are five tabs below the person's name:
* The "Overview" tab (covered in detail in Post 1) - two screens shown:
* The "Fact and Events" tab:
This is a complete list of all of the Facts and Events for the person. If there are duplicate events, the user can set one as the Preferred Event. Under each Fact detail, there are links for Sources, Media, Notes and Links. If I click on the link for sources for the Birth Fact, I see:
The "Fact and Events" list is expanded to show the Sources, Media, notes and Links for that Event.
If you run your mouse over the Event area, there are "Edit" (a pencil) and Delete (a trash can) icons on the right side of the Event or Source.
I clicked on the "Edit" icon beside the "Birth" Event and saw:
I could Edit the Birth Fact, with fields for Date, Place and Address, plus check boxes to "Set as preferred Birth" and "Private." If I change anything, I have to click on "Save Fact."
I will address the "Source" information in the next post in this series.
* The "Relations" tab on the Profile page provides information about the person's parents, spouses and children.
* The "Media" tab on the Profile page shows all of the media items for the person:
Except it doesn't show the media images. It shows only the Media item captions. Perhaps a later version of the program will enable the images themselves (But will I have to upload the GEDCOM file again?).
* The "Notes" tab provides the person notes. A user can add another Note by clicking on "Add note" and entering text into the field provided.
If you run your mouse over the Note field on the screen above, the "Edit" and "Delete" icons appear and you can edit the Note. Or delete it!
3) This is a full-featured family tree program, and I haven't investigated everything yet. I want to show how to search the FindMyPast record collections in a future post.
In the next post in the series, i'll review the "sources" on the "Fact and Events" tab on the person Profile page.
If you have questions about this family tree, please ask them and I'll try to answer them, or perhaps FindMyPast personnel will contribute in the Comments.
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2014/08/family-trees-on-findmypastcom-post-2.html
Copyright (c) 2014, Randall J. Seaver
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