Thursday, September 25, 2014

Which Family Tree Programs Sync With Online Trees and/Or Have Mobile Apps?

We discussed this question last night on DearMYRTLE's Wacky Wednesday Hangout On Air - "What Kind of Software is That?"  Watch it on YouTube at

I'm going to separate this discussion into different platforms - Genealogy Software Program, Mobile Devices, and Online Trees.

A)  Genealogy Family Tree Software Programs:

1)  Family Tree Maker 2014 (Windows) and Family Tree Maker for Mac (Mac):

***  Syncs (intentionally) with an online Ancestry Member Tree (one link per AMT).
*** syncs (automatically) with an online Ancestry Member Tree (one link per AMT)

2)  RootsMagic 6 (Windows) and with MacBridge (Mac):

***  Syncs person/event information (intentionally, not the whole tree) with the online FamilySearch Family Tree
***  Has RootsMagic mobile app that can read a RootsMagic file (no syncing)

3)  Legacy Family Tree 8 (Windows):

***  Syncs person/event information (intentionally, not the whole tree) with the online FamilySearch Family Tree
***  Families mobile app can read and sync (intentionally) with a  Legacy Family Tree software file on your computer

4)  Ancestral Quest 14 (Windows):

***  Syncs person/event information (intentionally, not the whole tree) with the online FamilySearch Family Tree

5)  Family Tree Builder 7 (Windows):

***  Syncs (intentionally) with an online MyHeritage Family Tree.
***  My Heritage mobile app syncs (automatically) with an online MyHeritage Family Tree.

6)  Reunion 10 (Mac):

***  Reunion mobile app syncs (intentionally) with a Reunion software tree.

7)  Family Historian (Windows, UK-based):

*** no syncing or mobile apps to date.

8)  Heredis (Windows and Mac):

***  Heredis mobile app syncs (intentionally) with Heredis software tree.

B)  Family Tree Mobile Apps

1) mobile app (iOS, Android and Windows):

***  Syncs (automatically) with an online Ancestry Member Tree

2)  MyHeritage mobile app (iOS and Android):

***  Syncs (automatically) with an online  MyHeritage Member Tree

3)  Family Tree mobile app (iOS):

***  Syncs (automatically) with the online FamilySearch Family Tree

4)  RootsMagic mobile app (iOS):

***  Static app from a specific RootsMagic software file.

5)  Families mobile app (iOS):

***  Syncs with a Legacy Family Tree software file.

6)  Reunion mobile app (iOS):

***  Syncs with a Reunion software file.

7)  GeneaNet mobile app (iOS and Android):

***  Syncs with a specific GeneaNet online family tree

C)  Online Family Trees

1) Member Tree (isolated tree):

***  GEDCOM upload
***  Provides Hints from databases
***  Syncs (intentionally) with a Family Tree Maker 2014 software file
***  Syncs (automatically) with an mobile app.

2)  MyHeritage Family Tree (isolated tree):

***  GEDCOM upload
***  Provides Record Matches from MyHeritage databases
***  Syncs (intentionally) with a Family Tree Builder software file
***  Syncs (automatically) with the MyHeritage mobile app

3)  GeneaNet Family Tree (isolated tree):

***  GEDCOM upload
***  Syncs automatically with mobile app

4)  FamilySearch Family Tree (universal tree):

***  No GEDCOM upload
***  Provides Record Hints from FamilySearch databases
***  Syncs (automatically) with Family Tree mobile app

5)  Geni World Family Tree (universal tree):

***  No GEDCOM upload
***  Does not sync with a software program or mobile app.

6)  WikiTree World Tree (universal tree)

***  GEDCOM upload
***  Does not sync with a genealogy software program or mobile app.

7)  WeRelate Family Tree (universal tree):

***  GEDCOM upload
***  Does not sync with a genealogy software program or mobile app.

8)  FindMyPast. com Family Tree (isolated tree)

***  GEDCOM upload

9)  Mocavo Family Tree (isolated tree)

***  GEDCOM Upload
***  Provides limited Hints from Mocavo databases

D)  I think I've captured most of the major players here.  

There are other genealogy software programs, and some may sync to an online family tree site or to a mobile app.  There are other stand-along mobile apps that can read a GEDCOM file.  There are other family tree websites also.  There are other software programs that work with records (e.g., Clooz, Evidentia) and mobile apps that provide specific genealogical information (Find A Grave, BillionGraves).

If you know of one that I haven't listed above, or have a correction to the list above, please leave a comment on this blog post and I will add it to the list.

The URL for this post is:

copyright (c) 2014, Randall J. Seaver

Updated: 26 September, modified GeneaNet app sync, and added Mocavo and FindMyPast online trees.


Anonymous said...

Nice job, Randy!

GeniAus said...

Randy, I use Family Historian. It syncs beautifully between my two computers via Dropbox. It's a seamless operation. I use Gedstar Pro on my Android but have to manually import a gedcom from FH. Worth the drama as it is a beaut program.

Bob Coret said...

An addition to the Online Family Trees section:

Genealogie Online ( Family Tree (isolated tree)

*** GEDCOM Upload (publishing only)
*** Provides Hints and Record suggestions
*** one-way sync from genealogy software programs via open API

Anonymous said...


MacFamilyTree has connections directly into FamilySearch. It syncs with their iOS app MobileFamilyTree and/or the MobileFamilyTree can be a stand-alone app. They say it's the only mobile app that doesn't also require a desktop companion.

Mary said...

The ancestry app on iPads and iPhones syncs with the tree posted on You can also post entries from your iPad and iPhone to update the ancestry tree. This app is very useful!Then, the tree on can be syned to my Family Tree Maker tree.
Mary Mettler

Anonymous said...

Thanks Randy for this update. I would love to be able to update my Ancestry app while not on the Internet. This sometimes happens when I am out and the signal is no good. Unless I have missed a setting. I assume Ancestry probably do not allow this because if people used multiple devises/computers to update a tree it could get really out of sync. Personally I would would rather be in control of my own destiny than have to take notes and add them later. Fran

John Parker said...

Very nice article Randy !!!
Mobile App is really useful to perform good work...