"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
The subject today is the 1803 Warrant for Appraisal of the estate of Simon Gates (1739-1803) of Gardner, Worcester County, Massachusetts in Worcester County Probate File 23252:
The transcription of this document is (handwritten parts in italics):
To Aaron Wood Esq. Of Gardner
Mathias Moseman
& Stephen Hoar Gentlemen all
all in the County of Worcester and
Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
You are hereby appointed and au-
thorized, on oath, to appraise all the
real estate
whereof Simon Gates
late of Gardner in said
County Yeoman deceased
died seized and possessed, in said
Commonwealth, in his own right in fee simple; each
piece and parcel by itself, with their
buts and bounds, and number of acres, at the pres-
ent true value thereof all in words at
length; (and if the said estate lays in commonwealth with the estate
of any other person, you are to sever and divide the same.) Then you
are to set off to Susanna Gates
the said deceased's Widow, one full third
part thereof, ^sd
Deceaseds real Estate^ for her thirds or dower, during her natural
life; and what you set off you
are to describe by plain and lasting
meets and bounds.
The remainder you are to distribute to
and among the children of said deceased, or
their legal representatives, or so many
of them as the same will conveniently accommo-
date, without prejudice to, or spoiling
the whole, preference being had to the sons, and
in all deal impartially as you are
If any of the children of said deceased
have received any thing of him, in advance
towards their portion, you are to
signify the same to me, and how much each one has
When you go about your work, let all
parties concerned have notice; and if they
are satisfied with your proceedings let
them signify the same by countersigning.
Finally seal up this Commission with
your doings, and return the same with all con-
venient speed into the Register Office
of Probate by some or one of yourselves.
Given under my hand and Seal of Office.
This Seventh day of September
Anno Domini 180 3.
Nath^l Paine Jprob
wareafter to Westminster october ye
6th 1803
personally appeared Aaron Wood and
Solem oath to the performance of the
Duty Enjoyned
on him by the above comission before
Abner Holden Justice peace
Worcester ss october 11 1803
Personally appeared Mathias Mossman
& Stephen Hoar
above named an made oath to the
faithful performance
of the duties injoined upon them by
the above commission
Before me Aaron Woods
Justice Peace.
The source citation for this document is:
Massachusetts, Worcester County, Probate Files, 1731-1925, Case 23252, Simon Gates Estate, 1803, Warrant of Appraisal; digital images, FamilySearch.org,(https://familysearch.org: accessed 12 August 2014); in "Case no 23243-23330, Gates, Sarah-Gay, William, 1731-1881" (image 100 of 1069); original records in Worcester County, Mass. Courthouse.
This is the third of several transcriptions from the Estate packet for Simon Gates (1739-1803), my 5th great-grandfather. He died 11 March 1803 in Gardner, Worcester County, Massachusetts.
In this document, three men are directed by the Court to appraise the real estate of Simon Gates, set off one-third of it to the widow, and then divide it equally amongst the children, while considering any advances made to the children during his lifetime. It sounds like a straight-forward task, but wait until you see the actual appraisal and distribution document.
As far as I know, Aaron Woods, Mathias Moseman and Stephen Hoar were not related to Simon Gates or his spouse.
These records were digitized by FamilySearch from the original probate estate packet in the Worcester County Probate Court in Worcester, Massachusetts. The papers are also transcribed in the Worcester County Probate Records, 1732-1881, found on Family History Library US/CAN Microfilm.
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Copyright (c) 2014, Randall J. Seaver
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