Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Syllabus Materials Available at RootsTech 2015 Website

I discussed the RootsTech 2015 Conference classes yesterday in RootsTech 2015 Conference - News and Sessions.

I wondered about the syllabus materials for RootsTech 2015 - would they be printed, on a CD or flash drive, or just online?  The Frequently Asked Questions page provides the answer:

"How can I access syllabus materials from the conference?

"Syllabus materials are available for download for a limited time on the RootsTech website, typically from two to four weeks prior to the conference to two to three months after. We do not provide printed or digital copies of the syllabus materials"

On the About : 2015 Class Syllabus page, there are links to every available syllabus handout, grouped by the Pass Type.

I clicked on the "RootsTech (RT1100s-1200s) link and the list of presentations in this group appeared:

I clicked on the first one on the list, and saw the syllabus for that class:

So I created a RootsTech 2015 file folder and started downloading the syllabus articles to the file folder.  Two problems:

*  After downloading one article, I used the "Back" button to return to the list and had to open the list again.  After the first one, I right-clicked the presentation title and saved the next one in a new tab, then closed it after I saved it.  That kept the list on the Syllabus tab.

*  Not every class has a handout available.  I found three classes with a 404 error today.

I didn't download every handout available, but I did most of them.  It took about 90 minutes because I skim-read many of them.

I may change my class selections after seeing some of the Getting Started classes.


1)  There is no registration required for the RootsTech syllabus materials.  Anyone can read and download them to their computer.  They may be removed some time after the conference.  Of course, you cannot see the presentation slides or hear the speaker embellish on bullet points.

2)  I looked again at the RootsTech 2015 mobile app and a PDF icon appears on those that are available.  As of today, only about 10% of the titles have a PDF icon.  You tap on the title, then on the "Resources" tab, then on the "Handouts" tab, and on the title again and select where to download it.  Downloaded handouts appear in the "Downloads" icon on the app Dashboard.

The URL for this post is:  http://www.geneamusings.com/2015/01/syllabus-materials-available-at.html

Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver


marianne.handler@gmail.com said...

Randy, R u sure about not registering to haave syllabi? Tried to download and did not work from computer? Should I register for $19.00 or do you think putting app on my ipad would work?
Thanks for the help.

marianne.handler@gmail.com said...

Problem solved!! U were right. Downloaded up on my ipad and all downloaded just find.

Bob Coret said...

Tip: If you want to download all PDF files use Chrome and an extension like GetThemAll, only a few clicks and ready within 5 minutes!