Monday, January 26, 2015

RootsTech 2015 Conference - News and Sessions

The RootsTech 2015 Conference in Salt Lake City is only two weeks away.  There are some announcements - see the web page:

1)  Early Registration ($159 for three days) ends on 26 January (today!).  After that, Regular Registration ($239) ends 6 February 2015.  See the RootsTech Pricing page for information about the Innovator Summit, Family Discovery Day, and more.

2)  The RootsTech 2015 Conference App has been released for iOS and Android mobile devices.  See the RootsTech 2015 App page  for more details.

3)  The Conference Schedule is at  There are 327 classes listed, which includes FGS, Innovator Summit, Getting Started, and RootsTech classes.  Note that you need to have the appropriate pass in order to attend some of these.

On the left-hand side of the screen, the "Pass Type" filter can help you find classes that your pass will cover.  Clicking on one of the Pass Types will provide the list for that type.

4)  For the RootsTech pass, the classes in each session that I might attend include:

a)  Thursday, 12 February 2015:

*  11:00 a.m.:  Thomas MacEntee, Ballroom I, on "RT1456 Self-Publishing for Genealogists: Tips, Tricks, and Tools"

*  1:30 p.m.:   Apryl Cox, Ballroom G, on "RT1290 Accessing England's Probate Records and Indexes Online"

*  3:00 p.m.:  Judy G. Russell, Ballroom D, on "RT2281 Making a Federal Case Out of It"

*  4:30 p.m.:  Janis Forte, Ballroom D, on "RT1402 Using Technology to Uncover Your Genealogical Treasure Trove"

b)  Friday, 13 February 2015:

*  10:30 a.m.:  Hall D, on "RT2640 RootsTech Innovator Showdown"

*  1:00 p.m.:  Dan Lawyer, Room 151, on "RT2264 New Innovation at Ancestry: Better Research and Powerful Stories"

*  2:30 p.m.:  Kitty Cooper, Ballroom C, on "RT1661 The Advantages of Working with a One World Tree"

*  4:00 p.m.:  Lisa Louise Cooke, Room 151, "RT1715 How to Turn Your Tablet (or Smart Phone) into a Genealogy Powerhouse"

c)  Saturday, 14 February 2015:

*  10:30 a.m.: Kory Meyerink, Ballroom C, on "RT1630 Genealogy Wikis: A User’s Guide"

*  1:00 p.m.:  Tammy Hepps, Room 151, on "RT1680 Conducting Story-Driven Research"

*  2:30 p.m.:  Ron Arons, Ballroom C, on "RT1150 Nifty & Powerful Technologies for Genealogical Analysis & Documentation"

*  4:00 p.m.:  James Tanner, Ballroom G, on "RT1479 Do I Own My Ancestors?: Copyright, Attribution, Plagiarism, Sharing and Claims to Research Ownership"

The venue map, with the room numbers on it, are on the Venue map page:

I need to balance attending these presentations with my work in the Media Center, roaming the Expo Hall, attending the FGS presentations, and research in the Family History Library.  I need two clones, I fear!  Two conferences in one place is one too many.

The URL for this post is:

Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver


GeniAus said...

It's sure going to be hectic. Hope we get somee time to say G'day.

theKiwi said...

Yep - 1 conference too many I think - I feared this when it was first announced.

I also hope that class room sizes and numbers of attendees are more evenly matched than when I went to RootsTech in 2013 - it should be possible to get in to a class 10 minutes before it starts, not have to give up a previous class just to get in line for the class following the next one...