1) I looked for a record on FamilySearch.org that I didn't already have in my Ancestry Member Tree, and found a California Great Registers, 1866-1910 item for my wife's great-grandfather, Herman Schaffner (1851-1921):
Down at the bottom of the screen, I highlighted the source citation and hit Ctrl-C to Copy it, so that I can paste it into the Ancestry Member Tree fields.
The FamilySearch generated citation is:
"California Great Registers, 1866-1910," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/VT6L-LQ1 : accessed 24 March 2015), Herman Schaffner, 22 Jul 1876; citing Voter Registration, 21 Silver, San Francisco, California, United States, county clerk offices, California; FHL microfilm 977,099.
2) I went to my Ancestry Member Tree, and found Herman Schaffner's profile, and clicked on the "Facts and Sources" tab:
It opened on the "Facts & Events" list, so I clicked on the "Source Citations" tab:
On the screen above, I wanted to add a new source and citation, so I clicked on the "+ Add a Source Citation" tab.
3) That opened the "Create Source Citation Information" screen, and I had to decide between "Select a source" (meaning a source previously entered into the tree) or "Create a new source."
I chose to "Create a new source" and form fields opened for the Source information (like Title, Author, Publisher, etc. as if it was a book):
I copied the first part of the copied source citation from FamilySearch into the Title field and left the rest of the fields blank.
Then I clicked on the "Back" arrow button on the screen above and added the rest of the copied source citation (from FamilySearch) into the "Detail" field on the "Create Source Citation Information" page as shown below:
I could have entered a transcription of the source content, but I didn't.
4) Here is the finished citation on the "Source Citations" page for Herman Schaffner:
The citation as I entered it is shown in my Ancestry Member Tree as::
"California Great Registers, 1866-1910,"
1 Citation provides evidence for the following:
Detail:index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/VT6L-LQ1 : accessed 24 March 2015), Herman Schaffner, 22 Jul 1876; citing Voter Registration, 21 Silver, San Francisco, California, United States, county clerk offices, California; FHL microfilm 977,099.
5) After entering the source citation information, I went to the "Facts & Events" tab in my Ancestry tree and entered a "Residence" Fact, dated it 22 July 1876, and tried to find a way to attach the Source to the new Fact. The tree system would not let me do this - I had to create a new Source citation and then attach the Source citation to the Fact information created before. So there's a lesson here - enter the Fact first, then the source citation information.
6) Rather than copying the FamilySearch citation directly into the Ancestry Member Tree fields, I could have typed (or copy/pasted) my preferred citation into the fields, but the result would not be significantly different.
7) I really don't like the way Ancestry separates the master source and the citation detail, and inserts the word "Detail" into the citation.
I'm also not a fan of FamilySearch's source citations that include the URL that directs the user to the record summary. My preferred source citation, if I had done this in RootsMagic, would have been:
"California Great Registers, 1866-1910," indexed database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org : accessed 24 March 2015), Herman Schaffner, 22 July 1876; citing Voter Registration, 21 Silver, San Francisco, California, United States, county clerk offices, California; FHL microfilm 977,099.
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2015/03/dear-randy-how-do-i-add-familysearch.html
Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver
6) Rather than copying the FamilySearch citation directly into the Ancestry Member Tree fields, I could have typed (or copy/pasted) my preferred citation into the fields, but the result would not be significantly different.
7) I really don't like the way Ancestry separates the master source and the citation detail, and inserts the word "Detail" into the citation.
I'm also not a fan of FamilySearch's source citations that include the URL that directs the user to the record summary. My preferred source citation, if I had done this in RootsMagic, would have been:
"California Great Registers, 1866-1910," indexed database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org : accessed 24 March 2015), Herman Schaffner, 22 July 1876; citing Voter Registration, 21 Silver, San Francisco, California, United States, county clerk offices, California; FHL microfilm 977,099.
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2015/03/dear-randy-how-do-i-add-familysearch.html
Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver
I use a different method to add familysearch items to my ancestry tree. I click the "copy" button at familysearch. Open the media tab at ancestry, choose "I want to write a story", paste it into a blank story page. Everything copies and everything is right there on the page. If you want to add a fact in the time line, everything you need is right there to copy and paste into the time line template.
Several months ago, I contacted Ancestry.com's Support about this very question.
They asked, "Do you have Family Tree Maker?" I replied that I had FTM 2012, but had not yet ever actually used it.
I have not yet tried their recommended workflow, so I can't give details. But here is, as I recall, the gist of it.
1. Use FTM to connect to FamilySearch and find the new information, bringing into FTM's tree.
2. Synchronize your Ancestry Tree with your FTM tree.
Does this sound like a good method?
Greg, Escondido CA
Like you, I'm not of fan of the way that sources and "citations" are set up in Ancestry, but I REALLY object to having to create a fresh citation for every person for, say, a bride, a groom, both bride's parents, both groom's parents, and -- if I'm lucky -- both witnesses. I've tried talking to them and writing to them, to no avail.
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