Thursday, March 26, 2015

Treasure Chest Thursday - Post 255: 1798 Direct Tax Assessment for Zachariah Hildreth (1754-1820) in Townsend, Mass.

It's Treasure Chest Thursday - time to look in my digital image files to see what treasures I can find for my family history and genealogy musings.

The treasure today is the  Massachusetts and Maine 1798 Direct Tax record for Zachariah Hildreth (1754-1820):

a)  Volume 11, Page 10, Townsend, Massachusetts:

b)  Volume 11, Page 49, Townsend, Massachusetts:

The extracted information from the two records for Zachariah Hildreth are:

a)  Volume 11, Page 10, List of Dwelling Houses, including Outhouses, and the Lots they are erected, owned or possessed on October 1, 1798:

*  Names of Occupants or Possessors:  Zachar. Hildrith
*  Names of reputed owners:  Hildrith Zachariah
*  Town:  Townsend
*  Number of Houses Exempted from Valuation:  0
*  Number of Dwelling Houses &c included in the valuation:  1 dwelling house, 
*  Quantity of land:  80 perches
*  Valuation determined by principal assessors:  200 Dollars
*  Valuation as revised and equalized by the commissioners:  220 Dollars

b)  Volume 11, Page 49, List of Land, Lots, Buildings and Wharves owned or possessed on October 1, 1798, excepting Dwelling Houses

*  Names of Occupants or Possessors:  Zachariah Hildreth
*  Names of reputed owners:  Hildrith Zachariah
*  Town:  Townsend
*  Number of Houses Exempted from Valuation:  0
*  Number of Dwelling Houses &c included in the valuation:  0 
*  Quantity of land:  a) 100 acres; b) 44 acres; c) 2 acres, 80 perches
*  Valuation determined by principal assessors:  a) 1110; b) 110; c) 30 Dollars
*  Valuation as revised and equalized by the commissioners:  a) 1221; b) 121; c) 33 Dollars
*  Whole Valuation of lands possessed by one person:  1375 Dollars

The source citations for these two documents are:

a)  "Massachusetts and Maine 1798 Direct Tax," indexed database and digital image, American Ancestors (, Volume 11, Townsend, Massachusetts, Page 10 of 720, Dwelling Houses, Zachariah Hildrith listing.

b)  "Massachusetts and Maine 1798 Direct Tax," indexed database and digital image, American Ancestors (, Volume 11, Townsend, Massachusetts, Page 49 of 720, Land, Lots, Buildings and Wharves, Zachariah Hildreth listing.

In October 1798, Zachariah Hildreth is age 4, has a second wife and six living children.  He owns a dwelling house assessed at $220, and 146 acres of land assessed at $1,375 for this tax assessment.

In both records, the valuations determined by the principal assessors were "revised and equalized" by increasing the valuation by 10% by the Commissioners.  

Zachariah Hildreth (1754-1820) is my 4th great-grandfather.  My 3rd great-grandfather is Zachariah Hildreth (1783-1857), son of Zachariah and his first wife, Elizabeth Keyes (1759-1793).  

Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver

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