"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
The subject today is the 1811 division of the Real Estate of William Sever (1729-1809) of Kingston, Plymouth County, Massachusetts:
The transcription of this division of Real Estate is:
[image 1812]
To the Hon. Joshua Thomas Esqr Judge of
Probate within & for the County of Plymouth
pursuant to your Warrant to us
directed, we the Subscribers have taken a view of the
following pieces or parcels of Real
Estate whereof the Hon. William Sever late of Kingston
in said County Esqr deceased died
seized in his Mansion house with the Lands ad-
joining and Buildings thereon – the
Dwelling house improved by the Widow
Nancy Sever with the Land adjoining,
and the Stores & other Buildings thereon -
a House=Lot about one third of an Acre
lying in a triangular form & adjoin-
the southerly side of the road leading
from said Mansion house to Kingston Meet-
ing house; a large Tract of upland &
Salt Marsh lying between Jones River and
the Lands belonging to the Heirs of
Isaac Brewster deceased in the north easterly side
of the County road containing Seventy
two acres more or less all under Improve-
ment; A Tract of improved Land on the
South westerly side of the County road
and adjoining the same lying directly
opposite to the last mentioned Tract of seventy two
acres containing sixteen acres more or
less; a Tract of pasture Land at the
lowest point of Rocky Nook on the
westerly side of John Watson's land containing
twenty four acres more or less; about
one acre and a quarter of Salt Marsh
at rocky nook adjoining Jones River, &
lying westerly of Pasture Land belonging
to the Heirs of Isaac Brewster
deceased; and a Woodlot containing twenty acres
of Land lying about half a Mile north
westerly from Kingston Meeting house
& is he same Land the said William
Sever Esqr purchased of Sarah Chipman
& William Ripley; all lying &
being in said Kingston; and after taking
into consideration the quantity &
quality of the several Lots, their respective
Situations, the Buildings, Fences &
orchards attached to the same with whatever
use we conceived would increase or
diminish their relative value We have
according to our best Judgment made an
equal Division thereof & have
assigned & set off to James Sever
Esqr one Moiety thereof & the other Moiety to
the Heirs of John Sever deceased in
Manner following, viz:
To James Sever Esqr the aforesaid
Mansion house and all that part of
the Lands adjoining that lie westerly
of a dividing Line, beginning at a stake
easterly of said Mansion house by the
road two feet eastward of a poplar Tree and
fourteen rods & two Links Eastward
of the south east corner of the School house lot
and from said Stake running North eight
degrees west through an apple Tree
to a Stake by the fence in the Line of
Land belonging to the Heirs of James
Drew deceased including all the
Buildings and privileges & appurtenances
to said Land belonging.
Also thirty six acres and an half of
the aforesaid seventy two acre Tract
on the westerly & southwesterly
side of the following dividing Line be the
same more or less; beginning at a Stake
& Stones by the County road
standing twenty four rods westerly from
the south west corner of the Land
belonging to the Heirs of Isaac
Brewster deceased, and from said Stake
[image 1813]
running north thirty five degrees east
about seventy nine rods
to a Stake & Stones thence north
thirty eight degrees west forty seven
rods and an half to a stake by a Stone
wall, thence north thirty one
degrees west forty Eight rods &
seventeen Links to a large
White oak tree marked on two sides near
the Salt Meadow & continuing
the same course through the Tree,
thence from the north westerly side
of said Tree north forty six degrees
east about nine rods & twenty one
Links to a stake by the side of a small
rock & about four or five feet from
the north westerly side of a large Rock
near the Salt Meadow thence across
the Salt Meadow north twenty eight
degrees and an half west about twenty
two rods to a Stake by
the river – including the Barn standing on said
Land and all the privileges &
appurtenances to the same belonging;
also that part of rocky nook pasture
Land aforesaid that lies westerly
of the following dividing Line viz
beginning at a Stake & Stones near the
south easterly corner ^thereof^ in the
Line of the Land belonging to the Heirs of Isaac
Brewster deceased & one rod from
the Line of Watson's pasture thence
north seven degrees &an half west
by a Lot ^of three rods of land^ left undivided for a common
passage way; two rods to a Stake &
Stones ^thence south seventy eight degrees east three quarters of a
rod to Stake & Stones^ thence north thirteen degrees
west fourteen rods & seven Links to
a Stake & Stones thence north about
twenty four degrees west about
twenty two rods & an half across the
watering place to a Stake & Stones
on the Highland thence north forty
six degrees west forty six rods &
seven Links over the easterly part
of a Rock to a Stake and Stones near
the same by the Edge of the Bank
near highwater mark thence north
seventy eight degrees west to
Jones River, containing twelve acres &
fifty nine rods of Land more
or less, together with the privileges &
appurtenances to the same
Also the ^whole of the aforesaid^ piece
of Salt Meadow at Rocky Nook lying between
the pasture Land of the heirs of Isaac
Brewster deceased and Jones
River containing one acre & a
quarter more or less with the
privileges & appurtenances to the
same belonging.
All which we assign & set off to
the said James Sever Esqr
his Heirs & assigns to have &
to hold the same in severally forever as his
full share of the several Pieces of
Real Estate by us
viewed as aforesaid.
[image 1814]
To the Heirs of John Sever deceased a
Lot of Land containing one
acre more or less lying opposite to the
aforesaid Mansion house, bounded
southerly by the Land of Elisha Stetson
& easterly northerly &
westerly by road or Highways with the
Dwelling house occupied by the
Widow Nancy Sever the Stores & all
other Buildings thereon standing
belonging to the ^Estate of the^ said
William Sever Esqr deceased with the privileges &
appurtenances to the same belonging.
Also a piece of Land adjoining the Lot
on which the Mansion house of the Hon. Williasm Sever deceased stands
lying easterly of the following
dividing Line ^viz^ beginning at a Stake by the
road eastward of the Mansion house, two
feet eastward of a poplar
tree & fourteen rods & two
Links eastward of the southeast corner of the
School house lot & from said Stakes
running north eight degrees west
through an apple tree to a Stake by the
fence in the Line of the Land
belonging to the Heirs of James Drew
deceased, with the privileges & appurte-
nances to the same belonging,
containing one acre more or less.
Also the trinagular piece of Land or
House lot lying on the
southerly side of the road leading from
said Mansion house to Kingston
Meerting house containing about one
third part of an acre ^more or less^ with
the privileges & appurtenances to
the same belonging.
Also a woodlot containing twenty acres
more or less lying about
half a mile north westerly from
Kingston Meeting house & is
the same Land the said William Sever
Esqr purchased of Sarah
Chipman & William Ripley with the
privileges belonging to the same.
Also that part of the Seventy two acre
Lot aforesaid lying easterly
of the following dividing Line
beginning at a Stake by the County road
twenty four rods westerly from the
south west corner of Land belonging
to the Heirs of Isaac Brewster deceased
& from said Stake running north
thirty five degrees east about
seventy nine rods to a Stake & Stones, thence
north thirty eight degrees west forty
seven Rods & an half to a Stake by
a stone wall, thence north thirty one
degrees west about forty eight rods
& seventeen Links to a large white
oak tree marked on two sides near the
Salt meadow &
continuing the same Course through the Tree & from the north
westerly side of said Tree north forty
six degrees East about nine rods and
twenty one Links to a Stake by the side
of a small Rock about four or five
feet from the north westerly side of a
large rock near the Salt Meadow, thence
across the Salt Meadow north twenty
eight degrees ^and an half^ west about twenty two
rods to
& appurtenances.
[image 1815]
Also the Tract of improved Land
aforesaid lying on the south westerly
side of the County road & opposite
to the said seventy two acre Lot &
contains sixteen acres of Land more or
less with its privileges & appurtenances
& is bounded as follows –
beginning at Col Thomas north west corner by
the County road thence by said Thomas
land South thirty six degrees west
sixty two rods to Evensons Land &
to the fences that separates said improved
Land from woodland thence in the Line
of said fence north thirty seven
degrees & an half west fourteen
rods thence still in the Line of said fence
north thirty nine degrees west forty
eight rods & seven Links to the Lane
leading to the Woodland thence
northerly by said Lane & easterly & northerly
by the Land of Elisha Washburn Constant
Sampson & the Heirs of Nicholas
Davis junr deceased to the aforesaid
County road Thence by said road ^easterly^ thirty
nine rods & seven teen &
an half twenty Links to the Bounds first mentioned.
Also that part of the aforesaid twenty
four acres of pasture Land lying
at rocky nook that lies eastward of the
following dividing Line beginning
at a Stake & Stones in the Line of
Watson's pasture two rods northerly from
the land of Isaac Brewster's Heirs
thence running north seventy eight degrees
west three quarters of one rod to a
Stake ^& Stones^ which also is the second
^third^ bound in
the dividing Line of the western share
having two rods three rods of common
Land to be improved by each
^the owners of each share^ as a passage way to their
respective Lots;
thence from said the
Stake & Stones forming said second bound ^of the eastern &
third bound of the western share^ running north
thirteen degrees west fourteen rods &
seven Links to a Stake & Stones thence
north about twenty
four degrees West across the watering place twenty two
rods & an half to a Stake &
Stones on the Highland thence north forty six
degrees West forty six rods & Seven
Links over the easterly part of a rock
to a Stake & Stones near the same
by the Edge of the Bank near highwater mark
thence north twenty eight degrees west
to Jones River, containing
eleven acres & Twenty rods of Land
be the same more or less with the
privileges & appurtenances to the
same belonging. All which we
assign to set off to the ^said^ Heirs
of John Sever deceased their Heirs & assigns
to have & to hold the same in
severalty forever as their full share in
the several pieces & parcels of
Real Estate by us viewed as aforesaid.
N.B. Liberty is hereby reserved to the
Heirs of John Sever deceased to pass & repass over the
Lands assigned to James Sever Esqr for
the purpose of carrying of one half of the manuse
now collected thereon.
Kingston May 11th 1811
Geo. Partridge
Jed^h Holmes
Beza Hayward
Plymouth Ss July 30th
1811 The foregoing Division of the Estate of the Hom William Sever
having been sworn by Geo. Partridge,
Jed^h Holmes & Beza Hayward Esquires above named & the same
having been duly examined ?????????????????????????????????????? the same is hereby ratified & confirmed
Joshua Thomas JProb
The source citation for this record is:
Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Probate estate files, Case No. 17735-17853: Case File 17842, images 1812-1815 of 2015, division of land of William Sever of Kingston, 1811; in "Massachusetts, Plymouth County, Probate Estate Files, 1686-1915," digital images, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org: accessed 14 July 2015); citing Probate Court, Supreme Judicial Court, Boston, Mass.
William Sever died 15 June 1809 in Kingston, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, having written a will in 1802. His second wife, Mercy (Foster) (Russell) Sever, died 9 February 1810 in Kingston. The 1802 will of William Sever bequeathed money to the heirs of his three deceased children, and left the remainder of his estate to his two sons, James and John, who were living in 1802. John Sever died 7 November 1803 in Kingston, leaving his wife Nancy (Russell) Sever (1767-1848) and six children.
The subscribers of the document above divided the six tracts of land essentially equally - several parcels went half to James and half to the Heirs of John, with the dividing line listed in detail. James received the Mansion house on the North side of the road leading to the Kingston meeting house, and John's heirs received the land, and dwelling house, on the south side of the road, where Nancy, the widow of John, resided. One of the tracts divided was the Mansion house lot - the dividing line was two feet east of the Mansion house.
My hope was that this description of the Real Estate of William Sever would define how he obtained the Mansion house, or at least identify the neighbors to the Mansion house land. One neighbor, the heirs of James Drew was to the north of the Mansion house.
I still don't know for sure how or when William Sever acquired the land where the Mansion house stands. It could have been from his father, Nicholas Sever, who was listed as a neighbor in an earlier land record, but I have not found a deed or probate record to confirm that. It may be that William Sever built the Mansion house on land owned by Nicholas Sever, and that he received it when Nicholas died in 1764 without a specific accounting, since William was the sole heir and executor of the estate of Nicholas Sever.
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2015/07/amanuensis-monday-post-278-1811.html
Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver
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Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver
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