Rudolf Spengler (1738-1811) is #100 on my Ahnentafel list, my 4th great-grandfather, married in 1767 to #101 Maria Dorothea Dinkel (1748-1835).
I am descended through:
* their son, #50 Daniel Spangler (1781-1851), who married #51 Elizabeth King (1796-1863) in 1815.
* their daughter, #25 Rebecca Spangler (1832-1901) who married #24 David Jackson Carringer (1828-1902), in 1852.
* their son, #12 Henry Austin Carringer (1853-1946), who married #13 Abbie Ardell "Della" Smith (1862-1944) in 1887.
* their son, #6 Lyle Lawrence Carringer (1891-1976), who married #7 Emily Kemp Auble (1899-1977) in 1918.
* their daughter, #3 Betty Virginia Carringer (1919-2002), who married #2 Frederick Walton Seaver (1911-1983) in 1942.
* their son, #1 Randall J. Seaver (1943-....)
1) PERSON (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
* Birth Name: Rudolf Spengler[1–2]
* Alternate Name: Rudolph Spangler[4,6–7]
* Alternate Name: Rudolf Spangler[3,5,9–10]
* Sex: Male
* Father: Johann Balthazar "Baltzer" Spengler (1706-1770)
* Mother: Maria Magdalena Ritter (1706-1784)
2) INDIVIDUAL EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
* Birth: 1738, Pennsylvania, United States[1]
* Military: 1775 (about age 37), Captain; York, York, Pennsylvania, United States[3]
* Census: 1 August 1790 (about age 52), York, York, Pennsylvania, United States[4]
* Property List: 1798 (about age 60), 1798 Direct Tax List; York, York, Pennsylvania, United States[5]
* Census: 1 June 1800 (about age 62), York, York, Pennsylvania, United States[6]
* Census: 1 June 1810 (about age 72), York, York, Pennsylvania, United States[7]
* Death: 5 August 1811 (about age 73), York, York, Pennsylvania, United States[8–9]
* Burial: after 5 August 1811 (after about age 73), Prospect Hill Cemetery, York, York, Pennsylvania, United States[9]
* Probate: 26 August 1811 (about age 73), will proved; York, York, Pennsylvania, United States[10]
3) SHARED EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
* Spouse 1: Maria Dorothea Dinkel (1748-1835)
* Marriage 1: 1 January 1767 (about age 29), York, York, Pennsylvania, United States[2,8]
* Child 1: Gen. John Jacob Spengler (1767-1843)
* Child 2: Maria Catherine Spengler (1770-1824)
* Child 3: Elizabeth Spengler (1773-1844)
* Child 4 Margaret "Recky" Spengler (1773-1852)
* Child 5: Jesse Spengler (1775-1860)
* Child 6: Johannes Spengler (1777- )
* Child 7: Anna Maria Spengler (1779-1841)
* Child 8: Daniel Spangler (1781-1851)
* Child 9: Mary Margaret Spengler (1783-1841)
* Child 10: Peter Spengler (1786-1823)
* Child 11: Helen Dorothea Spengler (1789-1842)
4) NOTES (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
Most of the information available about the Spangler family is from the book by Edward W. Spangler, The Annals of the Families of Caspar, Henry, Baltzer and George Spengler, published in York, Pennsylvania in 1896.[1]
Rudolf Spengler was born in 1738 to Johannes Balthasar and Maria Magdalena (Ritter) Spengler, who migrated to North America in about 1732 and settled in Pennsylvania.[1]
He married Maria Dorothea Dinkel on 1 January 1767 in York. They had eleven children between 1767 and 1789.[2,8]
When the Revolutionary War started in 1775, Rudolf Spangler became a member of Captain George Eichelberger's Company in 1775 and was shortly afterwards elected Captain of the Sixth Company of the York County Militia which constituted a part of the five battalions that marched to Eastern New Jersey in 1776 to form the "Flying Camp."[3]
Rudolf Spengler was a silversmith and a clock maker. The author of The Annals of the Families of Caspar, Henry, Baltzer and George Spengler found three "grandfather's clocks" in the 1890's fabricated by him, with the inscription "Rudy Spengler, York town" inscribed on their dials. He was assessed as a merchant in York, Pennsylvania in 1773. He was an unerring shot -- on the morning of his wedding day he went with his gun and deer hounds to Baumgardner's woods a mile southeast of York, where he shot a deer for his nuptial dinner.[1]
In the 1790 U.S. Census, the Rudolph Spangler household resided in York township, York County, Pennsylvania.[4] The household included:
* one male over age 16
* eight males under age 16
* three females
The data extracted from the 1798 Direct Tax List for Rudolf Spangler in York township includes:[5]
* Number of Return: 245
* Name of the Occupant: George King
* Name of the Owner: Spangler Rudolf
* Dwelling House: 1
* Out houses Appurtenant; Dimensions or Area; Materials of which built:
** ---------------- 32 by 26 Brick
** 1 Stable 18 by 20 Wood
** 1 Barn 16 by 18 Wood
** 1 Kitchen 15 by 25 Brick
** --------------- 19 by 30 Wood
* Number of Stories; Number of Windows; Number of Lights:
** [first house] 2; 13; 234
** [second house] 2; 10; 120 Unfinished
* Quantity of land - Acres; Perches; Square Feet
** [first house] -- ; -- ; 14,950
** [second house] -- ; -- ; 7,475
* Valuations of the assistant Assessor:
** [first house] 1750
** [second house] 400
In the 1800 U.S. Census, the Rudolph Spangler household resided in York township, York County, Pennsylvania.[6] The household included:
* one male aged between 10 and 15
* one male aged between 26 and 45
* one male over age 45
* two females aged 10 to 15
* one female over age 45
Rudolf Spengler served as County Treasurer from 1801 to 1805. He was a State Senator and Burgess of York in 1803, and a member of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania in 1810.[1]
In 1805 he had patented to him lands in York Township (now Springgarden). He owned lot No. 118 West Market Street which was devised to him by his father, and on which he resided in a two-story brick house. In 1809, he owned lots 9, 11, 13 and 15 on East Market and South Queen Streets. He also owned the triangle on King's Mill Road on the plan made by William Alexander. He owned lots 451, 452, 453, and 454 on King Street, west of the Codorus. He owned a lot on the south side of High Street west of Codorus Creek, adjoining Codorus Creek on the east and lot number 325 of George Ernest Schlosser on the west.[1]
In the 1810 U.S. Census, the Rudolph Spangler household resided in York, York County, Pennsylvania.[7] The household included:
* one male aged between 10 and 15
* one male aged between 16 and 26
* one male over age 45
* one female aged 16 to 26
* one female over age 45
Rudolf Spengler died on 5 August 1811 in York, and is buried with his wife in Prospect Hill Cemetery in York.[8-9] His obituary in the York [Penn.] Recorder newspaper dated August 10, 1811 reads:[1]
"Died, in this borough, at an advanced age, on Thursday last, Rudolf Spangler, Esq. The confidence reposed in the deceased by his fellow citizens in choosing him to serve in the State Senate and House of Representatives, are sufficient testimonials that in private and public life he was the honored and upright man. His remains were yesterday deposited in the German Reformed burying ground, attended by a long train of mourning relatives and friends."
The will of Rudolf Spangler was written on 1 June 180? and proved in York County Probate Court on 26 August 1811.[10] The will reads:
"In the Name of God amen. I Rudolf Spang-
ler of the Borough of York in the County of York & State of Penn-
sylvania yeoman, being weak in body but of sound mine memory
and understanding through the mercy of God and considering the
uncertainty of this transitory life,do make and publish this my
Last Will and Testament in manner and form following to wit -
I give and devise to my beloved wife Dorothy all my Estate -
both Real and Personal, to her for her sole use and Enjoyment
during her life; and I do hereby fully authorize and empower
my said wife, at any time after my decease, to sell and dispose
of the whole, or any part of my said Estate at her Will and
pleasure, and to execute ????? conveyances and assurances as
may be necessary in the law for Conveying and assuring this
?????? to the Purchasers, and Generally to do and of Perform-
ming Act, matter and thing touch ingthe sale and disposal, or
conveying and assuring of my said Estate or any Part thereof
that I myself might or should do while living, and further
touching all that remains of my Estate, both Real and
Personal, which may remain at the decease of my said
wife, not having been otherwise disposed of by her dureing
her lifetime, my Will is and I hereby order and direct that the
same be equally divided amongst all my Children, to wit, my four
Sons Jacob, Jesse, Daniel & Peter, and my five Daughters Catharine
the wife of George Barnitz, Elizabeth the wife of William Nes,
Mary the wife of Peter Small,Margaret the wife of Joseph Slagle,
and Magdalena the Wife of Charles Fisher, share and share alike
to hold the said Equal shares to my Children aforesaid respective-
ly and to their heirs and assigns for ever, and further, in
case any of my Children before named should die before the
decease of my wife, my Will is that this share allotted to such
Child be equally divided amongst his or her Children of the said
deceased have S????, but if such deceased shall have left no
Issue, then the share allotted to him or her to be equally
divided amongst the survivors of the heirs aforesaid
according to the said intent and meaning of the foregoing
Provisions. And lastly I do hereby nominate, constitute
and appoint my beloved wife Dorothy beforenamed to be the sole
Executor of this my Last Will and Testament; hereby revoking all
other Wills, Legacies and bequests by me heretofore made. And declar-
ing this and no other to be my Last Will & Testament. In Witness
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the first day of
June, in the Year of Our Lord one thousand and eight hundred and.
Rudolf Spangler
"Signed, Sealed Published &
Pronounced by the said Testator as his Last Will and Testament
In the Presence of us, who in his Presence, and in the Presence
of each other, have at his request subscribed as Witnesses –
Frederick McFarland, George Rothrock, Thomas Whittaker
York County SS,
The Probate Court accepted the will:[10]
"Before me Jacob Barnitz Register for the
Probate of Wills and granting Letters of administration in and
for the County of York in the State of Pennsylvania. Person-
ally came George Rothrock and Thomas Whittaker Esq. Two
of the subscribing Witnesses to the foregoing Instrument of Writing
and the said Thomas Whittaker on his solemn oath, and he the said
George Rothrock on his solemn affirmation (he conscientious
complain the taking of an oath) Do severally say that they were
Personally Present and he the said Thomas Whittaker did see and
he the said George Rothrock believe she did see the said ??????
Rudolph Spangler sign his name unto also both saw him ????
and also heard him Publish the foregoing Instrument of
writing an and for his Last Will &Testament and that at the time
of the doing thereof he the said Rudolph Spangler was of a sound
and disposing mind memory and understanding to the best of their
knowledge and belief, and that they subscribed their names thereto
as Witnesses in the Presence of the said Testator, and at his
request, and further that they also saw Frederick McFarland
the other Witness sign his name thereto as a Witness at the same
time. Thomas Whittaker George Rothrock.
"Sworn, affirmed and subscribed before ???? At York the 26th day
of August A.D. 1811. J Barnitz Regr. A true Copy taken
from & compared with the Original at York. J. Barnitz Regr.
(???? the agreement between the heirs Recorded)."
1. Edward W. Spangler, The Annals of the Families of Caspar, Henry, Baltzer and George Spengler Who Settled in York County Respectively in 1729, 1732, 1732 and 1751, with Biographical and Historical Sketches, and Memorabilia of Contemporaneous Local Events (York, Penn. : n.p., 1896), pages 181-185, Rudolf Spengler sketch.
2. Samuel Small, Jr., Genealogical Records of George Small, Philip Albright, Johann Daniel Dunckel, William Geddes Latimer, Thomas Bartow, John Reid, Daniel Denezet, Jean Crommelin, Joel Richardson (Philadelphia, Pa.: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1905), page 134, Johann Daniel Dunckel sketch.
3. U.S. Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970, online database and images, (, Application No. 18,191, Henry Welsh Wells, submitted 15 October 1906; Roll 080; citing original data: Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970. Louisville, Kentucky: National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Microfilm, 508 rolls.
4. 1790 United States Federal Census,, York County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, York, Page 355, Rudolph Spangler household; digital image, (; citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M637, Roll 9.
5. "Pennsylvania, U.S. Direct Tax Lists, 1798," digital image, ( : accessed 21 May 2015), "York (Paradise to York Towships and Botts Town)," no page number (image 178 of 396, Return No. 245, Rudolf Spangler (owner) entry; citing United States Direct Tax of 1798: Tax Lists for the State of Pennsylvania. M372, microfilm, 24 rolls; Records of the Internal Revenue Service, 1791-2006, Record Group 58. National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C..
6. 1800 United States Federal Census, York County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, York, Page 1292, Rudolph Spangler household; digital image, (; citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M32, Roll 44.
7. 1810 United States Federal Census, York County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, York, Page 188, Rudolph Spangler household; digital image, (; citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M292, Roll 57.
8. Edward W. Spangler, The Annals of the Families of Caspar, Henry, Baltzer and George Spengler Who Settled in York County Respectively in 1729, 1732, 1732 and 1751, with Biographical and Historical Sketches, and Memorabilia of Contemporaneous Local Events, page 181.
9. Jim Tipton, indexed database, Find A Grave (, Prospect Hill Cemetery, York, Penn., Capt. Rudolf Spangler memorial #70822293.
10. "Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994," digital images, FamilySearch (, York County, “Wills, 1803-1818, Vol. L-N, will of Rudolf Spangler, 180?, in Volume M, pages 348-350, in images 429 and 430 of 800.
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