"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
The subject today is the Asset Account of the estate of William Sever (1729-1809) of Kingsotn, Plymouth County, Massachusetts.
[page 70]
To the Hon.Joshua Thomas Esq'r Judge of
the probate of Wills &c within and
for the County of Plymouth
The account of James Sever, Executor of
the last will and Testament of the Hom.
William Sever late of Kingston in said
County Esq'r deceased
D'r James Sever as Executor in account
with the Estate of William Sever Esq'r deceased.
1809 Sep'r | To Cash received from Mansion House in Silver | $ 1849.31.2 |
To Cash received from Mansion House in Gold | 317.60 | |
To Cash received from Mansion House in Bank paper | 30.00 | |
To Cash received from U.S Bank at Boston | 5159.17 | |
To Cash received sundry dividends U.S. Loan Office | 2592.94 | |
To Cash received sundry dividends N. Eng'd M. Insurance Co. | 2756.00 | |
To Cash received sundry dividends Fire & M. Insurance Co. | 848.00 | |
To Cash received sundry dividends Suffolk Insurance Co. | 774.37 | |
To cash received sundry dividends Boston M. Insurance Co. | 675.00 | |
To Cash received sundry dividends Boston Bank | 950.00 | |
To Cash received Instalments & Interest from State Treasury | 439.78 | |
To Cash received from U.S. Loan Office 8 per Cent stock | 2700.00 | |
To Cash received of Obadiah Lyon his Bond | 22.19 | |
To Cash received of Malatiah Holmes his Bond | 162.98 | |
To Cash received of Asa Thompson his Bond | 60.15 | |
To Cash received of Wm & Seth Bosworth their Bond | 187.48 | |
To Cash received of John Waterman his Bond | 121.32 | |
To Cash received of Joshua Holmes Josiah West's Bond | 33.04 | |
To Cash received of Levi Bradford his Bond | 66.86 | |
To Cash received of Ebenezer Leach his Bond | 123.76 | |
To Cash received of Robert Young his Bond | 160.12 | |
To Cash received of Joseph Vaughn his Bond | 159.08 | |
To Cash received of Robert Young his Bond | 220.70 | |
To Cash received of Hezekiah Hooper his Bond | 73.59 | |
To Cash received of Seth Mitchell his Bond | 122.60 | |
To Cash received of Lot Whitcomb his Bond | 224.76 | |
To Cash received of Jehiel Washburn his Bond | 54.33 | |
To Cash received of David Benson his Bond | 146.63 | |
To Cash received of Noah Gurney his Bond | 150.50 | |
To Cash received of Jacob & Noah Ford their Bond | 112.11 | |
To Cash received of Isaac Wright & J. Ellis their Bond | 55.37 | |
To Cash received of Josiah Chandler his Bond | 44.45 | |
To Cash received of Issachar Snell his Bond | 62.29 | |
To Cash received of William Hooper his Bond | 142.30 | |
To Cash received of John Hardin & Wm Hooper their Bond | 124.67 | |
To Cash received of Joseph Adams his Bond | 115.55 | |
To Cash received of Ephraim Fobes his Bond | 95.48 | |
To Cash received of John Harden & Pratt their Bond | 119.56 | |
To Cash received of Elijah Hayward his Bond | 124.50 | |
To Cash received of Cornelius Pratt his Bond | 52.22 | |
To Cash received of Nath'l & Levi Harlow their Bond | 40.84 | |
To Cash received of Ebenezer Porter his Bond | 345.75 | |
To Cash received of Elias Churchill his Bond | 66.90 | |
To Cash received of Nathaniel Pratt his Bond | 62.08 | |
To Cash received of Oliver Parker & J. Ellis their Bond | 100.62 | |
The amount carried over
$ 22846.95.2 |
[page 71]
Amount brought over | $ 22846.95.2 | |
To Cash received of Joseph Copeland his Bond | 156.17 | |
To Cash received of William Holmes his Bond | 168.68 | |
To Cash received of Peter Foster his Bond | 28.24 | |
To Cash received of Micah White his Bond | 241.06 | |
To Cash received of Samuel Harden his Bond | 58.76 | |
To Cash received of Josepg & benj'n Pope their Bond | 133.65 | |
To Cash received of Timothy Ripley his Bond | 69.42 | |
To Cash received of Ephraim & James Tilson their Bond | 139.99 | |
To Cash received of Ebenezer Benson his Bond | 413.40 | |
To Cash received of Isaac Wright his Bond | 90.40 | |
To Cash received of Arthur Chandler his Bond | 42.63 | |
To Cash received of Ellis Holmes his Bond | 250.53 | |
To Cash received of Billya Wright his Bond | 159.43 | |
To Cash received of Abiel Richmond his Note | 33.78 | |
To Cash received of Daniel Ripley his Note | 5.23 | |
To Cash received of Jeremiah Sampson his Note | 20.35 | |
To Cash received of Nath'l Fish's Estate his Note | 14.40 | |
To Cash received of John Cobb his Note | 42.40 | |
To Cash received of Oliver Cobb his Note | 212.00 | |
To Cash received of Nath'l & George Russell their Note | 1114.25 | |
To Cash received of Elisha Stetson his Note | 12.16 | |
To Cash received of Arthur Chandler his Note | 8.12 | |
To Cash received of Joshua Eddy his Note | 163.85 | |
To Cash received of Jacob Fish his Note | 9.81 | |
To Cash received of Oliver Sampson his Note | 64.26 | |
To Cash received of Joseph Everson his Note | 11.30 | |
To Cash received of Samuel Adams his Note | 10.52 | |
To Cash received of Anselm Holmes his Note | 6.09 | |
To Cash received of Constant Sampson his Note | 40.67 | |
To Cash received of Thomas Loring his Note | 191.08 | |
To Cash received of Cornelius Cobb his Note | 22.12 | |
To Cash received of Seth Perkins his Note | 36.89 | |
To Cash received of Elisha Washburn his Note | 29.74 | |
To Cash received of Nehemiah Savery his Note | 79.05 | |
To Cash of Reuben Sylvester pasturage yoke of oxen | 3.85 | |
To Cash of Pelham Brewster for Wood | 84.48 | |
To Cash of Lysander Bartlett Balance Book Acc't | 29.20 | |
To Cash of Abijah Drew Balance Book Acc't | 4.83 | |
To Cash of Sylvester Holmes for wood | 21.83 | |
To Cash of Pelham Brewster for Hay at Rocky nook | 11.33 | |
To Cash of Pelham Brewster for Wood | 40.83 | |
To Cash of Francis Adams Balance Book Acc't | 8.00 | |
To Cash of Zenas Drew Balance Book Acc't | 41.22 | |
To Cash of Pelham Brewster for Wood | 48.81 | |
To Cash of Nehemiah Savery for Wood | 117.40 | |
To Cash of Seth Bartlett Balance Book Acc't | 5.00 | |
To Cash of Joseph McLauthlin on Acc't | 18.00 | |
To Cash of Leonard Drew Balance Book Acc't | 1.67 | |
To Cash of Cornelis Drew Balance Book Acc't | 4.91 | |
Amount carried over
$ 27363.74.2 |
[page 72]
Amount carried over | $ 27363.74.2 | |
To Cash of Joseph McLauthlin on acc't | 80.00 | |
To Cash of Noah Simmons Balance Book acc't | 1.80 | |
To Cash of Stephen Drew Balance Ja Drew's Book acc't | 27.90 | |
To Cash of Sam'l Stetson Aqueduct dividends to January 1'st 1810 | 6.25 | |
To Cash of Joseph McLauthlin on acc't | 35.08 | |
To an order on the Town Treasurer in favour Z Bassett for Hay | 6.00 | |
To Cash of John Fuller for Hay | 3.00 | |
To Cash of Pelham Brewster for wood | 46.70 | |
To Cash of Joseph McLauthlin on acc't | 22.75 | |
To Cash of John Sever for 3 Bushels potatoes he sold C. Wadworth Jun'r | 1.25 | |
To Cash of Jedidiah Holmes Esq'r on acc't | 40.00 | |
To Cash of Arthur Chandler for Sedge on Brown's Flat | 2.00 | |
To Cash of Abijah Drew for an Iron Bound Cask | 1.50 | |
To Cash of Sam'l Stetson Aqueduct dividends to July 1st 1810 | 5.00 | |
To Cash of Philip Washburn for Pew rent | 16.84 | |
To Cash of John Holmes for Sedge Hay | 18.00 | |
To Cash of Daniel McLauthlin for pasturage in 1810 | 7.15 | |
To Cash of Joseph McLauthlin Balance his wood acc't | 31.28 | |
To Cash of Jacob Fish for use of Tubbs meadow | 6.00 | |
To Cash of Ebenezer Cushman for Wood | 36.45 | |
To Cash of Martin Parris aqueduct dividends to Jan 1st 1811 | 10.00 | |
To Cash of Ezekiel Bryant for Wood stolen by him | 2.00 | |
To Cash of Lewis Holmes for Timber | 22.17 | |
To Cash of Moses Inglee balance Book acc't | 46.70 | |
To Cash of Rev'd Mr. Willis for 3024 feet merchantable Lumber | 37.29 | |
To Cash of Zephaniah Kieth for 228 feet merchantable Lumber | 2.96 | |
To Cash of Pelham Brewster for wood | 44.33 | |
To Cash of Joseph Bartlett for Wood | 26.00 | |
To Cash of Joseph Bartlett on acc't | 13.00 | |
To Cash of Abner Holmes for Hay | 1.00 | |
To Cash of Peter Winsor for Hay | 3.60 | |
To Cash of John Adams for Hay | 5.00 | |
To Cash of Ebenezer Cushman for wood coaled | 54.34 | |
To Cash for C't 5 of 6-9 Hay sold | 3.50 | |
To Cash of Ebenezer Cushman for wood coaled | 16.75 | |
To Cash of Lysander Bartlett on acc't | 20.60 | |
To Cash of James Jones fior pasturage 1809 & 10 | 15.58 | |
To Cash of Joseph Bartlett for wood | 53.00 | |
To Cash of Joseph Bartlett on acc't | 21.75 | |
To Cash of Lot Eaton Balance Book acc't | 12.13 | |
To Cash of Jedidiah Holmes Jun'r for 2140 feet M. boards | 27.82 | |
To Cash of Tilden Holmes for 1005 feet Merch'ble Boards | 13.06 | |
To Cash of Cephas Wadsworth for 20 feet merch'ble Plank | 0.52 | |
To Cash of Priscilla Sampson for 582 feet merch'ble Boards | 7.55 | |
To Cash of James Richardson Esq'r Treasurer of Bristol Turnpike | 71.50 | |
To Cash of Wm Simmons half the Flowage by his Mill to Aug't 27th 1811 | 5.82 | |
To Cash of Martin Parris aqueduct dividend to July 1st 1809 omitted | 5.00 | |
To Cash of Martin Parris aqueduct dividend to Jan'y 1st 1812 | 5.00 | |
To Cash of Pelham Brewster for Wood | 22.67 | |
Amount carried over
$ 28348.26.2 |
[page 73]
Amount brought over
$ 28348.26.2 | |
To Cash of Benjamin Waterman Blance Book acc't
0.74 | |
To Cash of Philip Washburn for Pew rent in full
8.00 | |
To Cash of Martin Parris aqueduct dividend to July
1st 1812
10.00 | |
To Cash of Lysander Bartlett Rent of Landing in full
11.00 | |
To Cash of Martin Parris aqueduct dividend to Jan'y
1st 1813
8.75 | |
To Cash of Joshua Holmes's Administrator Balance
Book Acc't
7.74 | |
1814 |
To Cash of Martin Parris aqueduct dividend to July
1st 1813
7.50 |
To Cash of Levi Whitman Balance Book acc't
9.54 | |
To Cash of Joseph Holmes Jun'r his Note
17.89 | |
To Cash of Jedidah Holmes Esq'r on acc't
60.00 | |
To Cash for Sedge Hay sold in 1810 omitted
9.00 | |
$ 28498.42.2 |
D'r James Sever as Executor in account
with the Estate of
William Sever Esq'r deceased.
1809 |
To fifty Shares in Boston Bank
$ 5000.00 |
To fifty Shares in Boston Marine Insurance company
3000.00 | |
To fifty two Shares in N. England Marine Insurance
5200.00 | |
To thirty five Shares in Suffolk Marine Insurance
2625.00 | |
To fifty three Shares in Mass'tts Fire & Marine
Insurance Company
2650.00 | |
To ten Shares in Bristol & Norfolk Turnpike Road
2170.00 | |
To ten Shares in New Bedford & Bridgewater
Turnpike Road
1000.00 | |
To five shares in Kingston Squeduct Corporation
270.00 | |
To two Certificates U.S. six per Cent stock
7009.55 | |
To two Certificates U.S. deferred six per Cent stock
3504.78 | |
To two certificates U.S. three per Cent Stock
5133.60 | |
To two Certificates Massachusetts State Debt
530.07 | |
$ 38093.00 |
By Bank Insurance and other Stocks
to N. Sever as Guardian to Heirs of
John Sever
1811 Feb'y 23 |
By Twenty five Shares Boston Bank transferred as per
$ 2500.00 |
Feb'y 25th |
By twenty five Shares Boston M. I. Company as per
1500.00 |
Feb'y 25 |
By twenty six shares N. England M. I. Company as per
2600.00 |
March 2nd |
By Eighteen Shares Suffolk M. I. Company as per
1350.00 |
March 6th |
By twenty six Shares Mass'tts F & M I. Company
as per rec't
1300.00 |
Aug't 17th |
By five Shares Norfolk & Bristol Turnpike Road
as per rec't
1085.00 |
24th |
By five Shares N. Bedford & Bridgewater Turnpike
as per rec't
500.00 |
By two and half Shares in Kingston Aqueduct rec't
135.00 | |
May 25th |
By one Certificate U.S. six per Cent Stock as per
3504.78 |
By one Certificate U./S. Deferred six per Cent Stock
as per rec't
1752.39 | |
By one Certificate Mass'tts State Debt as per rec't
265.03 | |
$ 19059.00 |
The source citation for this Account is:
"Massachusetts, Plymouth County, Probate Records, 1633-1967," Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org : accessed 15 July 2015), probate clerk transcriptions, ""Probate Records, 1813-1820, Vol 46-47," Volume 47, pages 70-77 (penned), William Sever executor's account; citing original records in the Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, Mass.
William Sever, Esquire of Kingston, Massachusetts was a very rich man. He owned precious metals, stock in banks, road and insurance companies, money in the bank, and was owed money in the form of bonds, notes and accounts by many persons, presumably his associates and acquaintances in and around Plymouth and Kingston.
Note that the information here is only the cash, stock and credit holdings; it does not include the real estate or personal estate (clothing, furniture, tools, utensils, etc.).
This account spreads over eight pages - I have listed only the assets listed on the first four pages of the account. I will transcribe the debts and disbursements from the executor's account in next week's post.
The executor of the estate of William Sever is his only surviving son, James N. Sever (1761-1845). The will of William Sever was transcribed in Amanuensis Monday - Post 277: 1802 Will of William Sever (1729-1809) of Kingston, Mass. (posted 27 July 2015) and the division of the real estate between his heirs is in Amanuensis Monday - Post 278: 1811 Division of Lands of William Sever (1729-1809) of Kingston, Mass. (posted 3 August 2015).
The last portion of the asset account transcribed herein is the stock that was set aside for the heirs of William Sever's son, John Sever, who died in 1803, per the will of William Sever. The sum total of the stock assets was $38,093 and stock worth $19,059 (just about half) was provided to the heirs of the deceased son John Sever. The remainder of the assets in the estate was $28,498.42 which will be disbursed in the second half of the Account.
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2015/08/amanuensis-monday-week-282-asset.html
Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver
Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post. Or contact me by email at randy.seaver@gmail.com.
Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver
Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post. Or contact me by email at randy.seaver@gmail.com.
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