Wednesday, September 9, 2015

SDGS Meeting on Saturday, 12 September Features MyHeritage and Family Tree Builder

The September 12th program meeting of the San Diego Genealogical Society will be at St. Andrew's Lutheran Church (8350 Lake Murray Blvd. in San Diego, just south of Jackson Drive) starting at 10 a.m.

The program speaker for both sessions will be Del Ritchhart on:

*  MyHeritage - An Overview

*  Introduction to Family Tree Builder

MyHeritage is a Website, very similar to, where you can post your family tree, conduct searches of their data base.

Family Tree Builder is a personal Genealogy software program which you load onto your computer for maintaining, researching, and managing your family tree.

The relationship between MyHeritage and Family Tree Builder is very similar to that between and Family Tree Maker.

Del Ritchhart began researching his family history in 1994. He has served in leadership positions in several San Diego genealogy organizations and has given presentations throughout the Southern California area. He published his family history, Breathing Life Into My Family Ancestors in late 2011 and is currently working on a second book.

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