The Class Syllabus list is at
The individual syllabus entries are in class groups on the screen above. click on one of the class groups to see the links to the individual syllabus pages. I clicked on the link on the screen above for
the group of "Get Started (000-2000), and saw:
Each one of those entries in orange are an individual syllabus. I clicked on the first one for GS0631S and saw:
I can print or download this specific class syllabus and save it to a file folder. I will create a RootsTech 2016 syllabus file folder and add the different class syllabus material to it. Then I will copy the file folder to my Dropbox account so I can access it on my laptop, on my iPhone and on my Samsung tablet.
note that you don't have to be a registered attendee at RootsTech 2016 to see and download the syllabus materials.
Hat tip to Amy Archibald for the tip about the syllabus.
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Copyright (c) 2016, Randall J. Seaver
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I see multiple syllabi for the same class with various suffixes. For example LAB1742-T, LAB1742-W. Other suffixes appear to be "S" and "T" and "T2." What significance do these suffixes have. A cursory look at the documents give me the impression they are the same documents but I have not looked in detail. "F" could stand for "Final" or "First." Knowing the code would help use this.
Don Reynolds - the suffix added to the classes represent the day of the week the class is being taught.
If there is a # by the suffix it indicates that the class is taught multiple times in that one day.
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