Sunday, 5 June, was Day 3 of the SCGS Genealogy Jamboree in Burbank, California. I had every intention of attending classes in three of the four time slots. I failed. Oh well - the syllabus is my friend in most cases.
We were down at the breakfast bar by 7:30 a.m. and I went off after 8 a.m. to walk through the Exhibit Hall again, then decided to go to a class. It started, I realized that I wasn't going to get much out of it, so I left after 10 minutes. I went back to the Exhibit Hall for awhile (and had a great conversation with Bruce Buzbee about RootsMagic, syncing, programming, etc.). I went back to the room and updated the blog compendium. We packed and vacated the room, and stored the bags with the hotel.
When I went back into the Exhibit Hall after 10 a.m. (yep, missed the second class completely!), I had an opportunity to talk with Sheri Savory of the Savory Spotlight online radio show. I'll let folks know when that is available online. No other online radio or podcast shows seem to want to talk to me (feeling hurt! thank you, Sheri!).
Met Linda for lunch in the breezeway, and then hurried to the Hometown Pride Contest at the SCGS Stage. We wore our San Diego map T-shirts - lots of folks liked them. I didn't win, though.
After several more passes around the hall, I went to the MyHeritage Kindle drawing at 12:15 p.m. I didn't win that either, or any other prize. I talked to Tom Jones for several minutes about his talk that I attended, plus how I like and appreciate the NGSQ articles, and shared several of my success stories. Of course, I missed the 12:30 p.m. talks too. At 1:30 p.m. I walked over to the Subway shop across the street and got Subway sandwiches for the ride home. It was warm, so I stopped at Mcdonalds for an ice cream cone.
Determined to attend one more class, I went to hear Dave McDonald on "Presidential Genealogy: The Ordinary Folk of Pennsylvania Avenue." Several of my cousins and ancestors were mentioned. So of the 14 opportunities over the three days, I managed to attend 5 classes, for a dismal 35.7% record. Oh well - i'll read the syllabus!
The class ended at 3 p.m. and I walked through the devastation in the Exhibit Hall as the displays were mostly down and being packed. I met Linda in the hotel lobby, we talked to the Maness's and several others, and got the bags from the hotel, got in line for the shuttle to the train platform, and we were there by 4 p.m.
The train came on time at 4:30 p.m. and it was an uneventful ride to San Diego arriving at 8:07 p.m. I read my book, Linda worked her Sudoku and Yahtzee games, and we ate our Subway sandwiches. Jane's husband was right there to pick us up and we were home by 9 p.m.
Here are some pictures from Day 3:
1) I took a selfie of Sheri and me after my interview:
2) Paul took a photo with my camera of Mary Kircher Roddy (she dressed as the Seattle Space Needle) and me (in my San Diego map T-shirt):
3) Virginia Taylor (CVGS President), me, and Susan Hakala (CVGS member):
That's all, folks!
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Copyright (c) 2016, Randall J. Seaver
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1 comment:
Randy, thanks for telling about life as it really is at a Jamboree. I can relate to so much of what you said. I enjoyed a couple of lectures as well as several visits around the exhibit hall along with my duties at the Tech Zone and Audio/Visual troubleshooting. For the rest of the great lectures I will have to rely on the syllabus and some of the recordings from Conference Resources. The Streaming Video recordings will also be available through July 5.
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