The Leland household record:
The extracted information for this household from this record residing at 182 Chattanooga in Assembly District 24 in San Francisco:
* Severt O. Leland - Head of household, Rents home, male, white, age 39, married, born Wisconsin, father born Norway, mother born Norway, can speak English, Clerical occupation, works for Government, a worker
* Amelia A. Leland - Wife, female, white, age 34, married, born Idaho, father born Virginia, mother born Missouri, can speak English, no occupation
* Juanita B. Leland - Daughter, female, white, age 15, single, attended school, able to read, able to write, born Montana, father born Wisconsin, mother born Idaho, able to speak English, no occupation
* Evelyn A. Leland - Daughter, female, white, age 14, single, attended school, born Montana, father born Wisconsin, mother born Idaho, able to speak English, no occupation
* Harold Leland - Son, male, white, age 11, single, attended school, born Montana, father born Wisconsin, mother born Idaho, able to speak English, no occupation
* Severt L. Leland - Son, male, white, age 8, single, attended school, born Montana, father born Wisconsin, mother born Idaho, no occupation
* Alda H. Leland - Daughter, female, white, age 4-10/12, single, born California, father born Wisconsin, mother born Idaho, no occupation
* Nicholas F. Brocke - Brother-in-law, male, white, age 23, single, born Idaho, father born Virginia, mother born Missouri, able to speak English, an Electrician, works in Iron Works, a worker
* Frank L. Leland - Brother, male, white, age 32, single, born Wisconsin, father born Norway, mother born Norway, able to speak English, a Salesman, works in a Grocery, a worker.
The source citation for this document is:
1920 United States Federal Census, San Francisco County, California, population schedule, San Francisco Assembly District 24, Enumeration District 302, Page 5A, Dwelling #318, Family #80, Severt O. Leland household, digital image, (; citing National Archives Microfilm Series T625, Roll 14.
The Severt O. Leland family apparently moved to San Francisco between 1911 (when Leo Severt Leland was born in Montana) and 1915 (when Alda Frances Leland was born in California. Amelia's brother, Nicholas F. Brocke was in the household, which provides Amelia's maiden name. Amelia and Nicholas' parents were born in Virginia and Missouri, respectively. Severt was a clerk working for the government.
Severt O. (1878-1940) and Amelia A. (Brocke) (1884-1975) Leland are my wife's grandparents, and Leo Severt Leland (1911-2002) is my wife's father.
Copyright (c) 2016, Randall J. Seaver
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