I've posted before about my own connections to passengers on the Mayflower that landed at Plymouth in New England in December 1620.
Here are my blog posts for each core Mayflower ancestor (with the names of my Mayflower passengers in parentheses):
* My Mayflower Connections - 1. George Soule (George Soule)
* My Mayflower Connections - 2. William White (William White, Susanna (--?--) White, Peregrine White)
* My Mayflower Connections - 3. Richard Warren (Richard Warren)
* My Mayflower Connections - 4. Francis Cooke (Francis Cooke, John Cooke)
* My Mayflower Connections - 5. Stephen Hopkins (Stephen Hopkins, Constance Hopkins)
* My Mayflower Connections - 6. William Brewster (William Brewster, Mary (--?--) Brewster)
* My Mayflower Connections - 7. Edward Fuller (Edward Fuller, Ann? (--?--), Samuel Fuller)
See the 2012 post on this topic to see how I answered the reader comment: "Why are you boasting about your Mayflower ancestors? Are you trying to show that you are a better researcher than the rest of us? Or that these passengers were somehow special?"
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2016/11/my-mayflower-connections-soule-white.html
Copyright (c) 2016, Randall J. Seaver
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Happy Thanksgiving, Soule cousin!
Happy Thanksgiving, Brewster cousin! It's amazing to me how many people we are related to, especially when we can go back this far.
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