The transcription of this will is:
[image 2 of 8 of packet 21,617]
In the Name of God Amen
I James Stone of Groton in the County
of middlesex & State of
the Massachusetts Bay yeoman, being now
of perfectly sound
Disposing mind and memory but
considering the Uncertainty and
brevity of humane life, do make and
ordain this my last Will &
Testament in manner following viz. My
Will is that my just
Debts and funeral Charges be well and
truly paid by my Ececutors
hereafter named.
I Give and bequeath to my beloved wife
Mary Stone the Improvement
of all the Estate, real and personal
which I Shall die seized and
possessed off during her Life, eccept
my Wearing apparrel which
I give my Sons James, Jonathan, Joel,
Salmon and Levi to be
equally divided amongst them.
Item. I give my son James Stone his
heirs &c the Sum of Three pounds
lawfull mony, to be paid by ^my^
Executor hereafter named, within one
year after my decease, which Sum with
what I have already given
him, is his full share out of my
Item. I give to my Son Jonathan Stone
Three pounds six shillings and
Eight pence like mony to be paid as
afores^d to him or his Heirs,
which sum with what he hath already
received is his full share
out of my Estate..
Item. I give to my son Joel Stone
Three pounds six shillings & Eight pence
like mony to be paid to him or his
heirs in manner as aforesaid,
which sum with what he hath already
rec^d is his full portino out
of my Estate.
Item. I give to my Son Salmon Stone
Six pounds Thirteen shillings and
four pence like mony, to be paid in
like manner to him or his Heirs
which Sum with what I have heretofore
given him is his full share
out of my Estate.
Item. I give my Daughter Abigail
Sawtell Six pounds like mony to
be paid to her or her heirs in like
manner, which sum with what
she hath already received, is her full
share out of my Estate.
Item. I give to my Daughter Sarah
Carlton Thirteen pounds Six shillings &
eight pence like mony to be paid to her
or her heirs in like manner
as afores^d which Sum with what she
hath already received is her full
share out of my Estate.
Item. I give my Daughter Hannah Page
Seven pounds Six shillings &
Eight pence like mony, to be paid to
her or her heirs in like manner
as afores^d which sum with what she
hath already received is her
full share out of my Estate.
Item. All the rest and residue of my
Estate, real and personal of whatever
Denomination, after the Decease of my
said wife, the payment of my
just Debts and funeral Charges as
afores^d and Setting up Grave Stones for
me and my said wife. I give
and Bequeath to (Excepting the
Pewter and the Wearing Apparrell of s^d
wife which she may die seized off
[image 4 of 8 in packet 21,617]
And not dispose of herself, which I
order and my Will is Should be
Equally divided between my Daughters
aforenamed or their heirs)
I give and Bequeath to my Son Levi
Stone his heirs &c whom
I constitute and appoint Sole Executor
to this my last Will and
Testament hereby Disannulling all other
Wills by me heretofore
made. In Witness whereof I the said
James Stone have
hereunto set my Hand and Seal this
21^st day of December
Annoq. Domini 1778.
{ N.B. The amendment in the 22^d line
{ relating to my son Joel was made
before }
{Signing & Sealing
Signed, Sealed, published, declared }
and pronounced by the s^d James }
Stone, as and for his Last Will and }
Testament in presence of us who at } James Stone {seal}
his request have as Witnesses here - }
unto Set our hands
Joshua Fletcher
Jonathan Keep
Oliver Prescott
The will was proved in Middlesex County Probate Court on 15 April 1783. The probate packet includes a notice, an affidavit, a letter testamentary, a bond, and an appointment of the executor. However, no inventory, account or distribution is included..
The source citation for this document is:
"Middlesex County, MA: Probate Papers, 1648-1871," digital image, Ameircan Ancestors ( : accessed 27 November 2016), Case 21,617, 8 images, will of James Stone, 1778, proved 1783.
James Stone and Mary (Farwell) Stone had ten children, and eight of them were living in 1778 when James made his will. The will names his widow Mary, sons James, Jonathan, Joel, Salmon and Levi, and daughters Abigail Sawtell, Sarah Carlton and Hannah Page. Each of the children received a bequest of money, the sons received his wearing apparel, his daughters received the pewter and wearing apparel of their mother, and Levi Stone received the balance of the estate, and was named the executor of the estate.
James and Mary (Farwell) Stone are my 6th great-grandparents, through their daughter Abigail Stone (1737-????) who married Ephraim Sawtell (1735-????) in 1757 in Groton, Massachusetts.
NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"
"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver
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