Friday, January 6, 2017

New Records Available To Search This Findmypast Friday, 6 January 2017

I received this information from Findmypast today:


New Records Available To Search This Findmypast Friday

Over 311,000 new records are available to search this Findmypast Friday, including;

Over 227,700 new records have been added to our collection of Irish Petty Sessions Court Registers. Petty Sessions handled the bulk of lesser criminal and civil legal proceedings in Ireland. Ireland, Petty Sessions Court Registers now contains over 22.8 million records and is the largest collection of Irish court & prison records available anywhere online. Each record includes both a transcript and a scanned image of the original document that will include details of victims, witnesses and the accused, such as address, date in court, details of the offence, details of the verdict and the sentence.

Covering both civil and criminal cases, the Petty Sessions' brief was wide. Cases ranged from merchants who had not paid duty on their goods, to workers suing for unpaid wages. Farmers were fined for letting their cattle wander or for allowing their cart to be driven without their name painted on the side. Debts were collected and disputes settled. Public drunkenness was a common offence, as was assault and general rowdiness. Political feelings were often volatile and there are frequent cases all over the country of people charged with putting up seditious posters or leaflets.

Over 40,000 new records have been added to our collection of Dorset Memorial Inscriptions. The collection contains details of inscriptions found on gravestones, tombs, monuments and even stained glass windows throughout 266 parishes within English county.

Each record includes a transcript of the original source material. The information contained varies considerably and depends on a number of factors including weathering and the type of memorial. However, most will include a combination of your ancestors' birth year, death year, burial date & location, relative's names, memorial type and notes on the inscription.

Over 175,000 new records have been added to our collection of Warwickshire Burials. The entire collection now contains more 1 million records and includes monumental inscriptions from Clifton Road Cemetery in Rugby.

Each record includes a transcript of the original burial registry or details from the monumental inscription. While the information listed will vary depending on the records original source, most will include your ancestor's name, age, birth year, death date, burial year, burial location and the name of the officiating minister. A number of records will also include parent's names and residence. Inscriptions will reveal the information recorded on the individual's grave stone and will usually include the name of the individual's spouse, children and/or parents. Also, some grave sites may have more than one person buried in the same plot.

Northumberland & Durham Monumental Inscriptions

Over 16,000 records have been added to our collection of Northumberland & Durham Monumental Inscriptions. These are a fantastic addition to your family history research and include the full descriptions found on your ancestor's grave stone or monument which will often include additional family names and dates.

Each record includes a transcript of the original source material. The amount of information in each may vary due to the age and legibility of individual monuments, but most records will include your ancestor's birth date, burial year, burial place, death date, denomination, inscription and the type of stone their monument was made from.

Learn about your Quaker ancestor's role within their local community with an additional 5,000 congregational records. Congregational records allow you to uncover details of the meetings your ancestor’s attended and the activities they engaged in.

These records, dating back to the mid-1600s, comprise minutes from half-yearly Quaker meetings. As well as a transcript, each entry includes an image of the original handwritten record. The information included will vary, but most will include the congregation date, address, meeting, archive and reference.


Disclosure:  I am a Findmypast Ambassador, and receive a complimentary Findmypast subscription.

Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver

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