a) Volume 52, pages 262:
b) Volume 52, page 63:
The transcription of this deed is:
[page 262, left-hand image, starts
about 80% down the page]
[in margin] Seaver &c to Boylston
To all People unto whom this Present
Deed of Sale shall come Joseph Seaver
of Framingham in the County
of Middlesex in New England yeoman and
Mary his Wife Shuball
Seaver Cordwainer of Roxbury in the
County of Suffolk in New England
and Abigail his Wife Edmund Cole of
said Roxbury Cordwainer
and Abigail his Wife and Richard Moor
of Linn in the County of
Essex in New England Innholder and
Thankful his Wife Send
Greeting. Know ye that the said Joseph
Seaver and Mary
[page 262, right-hand image]
His Wife Shuball Seaver and Abigail his
Wife Edmund Cole and
Abigail his Wife and Richard Moor and
Thankful his Wife for
and in Consideration of the Sum of
Three Hundred and Twenty Pounds
Current money of New England to them in
hand Paid before the Enseal-
ing and Delivery of these Presents by
Thomas Boylston of Boston
in the County of Suffolk aforesaid
Merch^t. The Receipt whereof to
full Content and Satisfaction they do
hereby Acknowledge and thereof
and of every Part and Parcel thereof Do
Acquit Exonerate and
Discharge the said Thomas Boylston his
Heirs Execut^rs and Admin^rs
forever by these presents Have Given
Granted Bargained Sold Aliened
Enfeoffed Conveyed and Confirmed and by
these Presents for themselves
their Heirs Execut^rs and Admin^rs Do
fully freely clearly and Absolutely Give
Grant Bargain Sell Alien Enfeoff Convey
and Confirm unto the said Thomas
boylston his Heirs and Assigns forever
A Certain Wooden House or Tenement
with all the Land thereto belonging
Situate Lying and being in Roxbury a-
foresaid being Butted and Bounded as
follows Viz^t SouthEasterly by the
Highway or Road there measuring on a
bevell-Line about four of
Gunters Chains and Fifty Links
Southerly by said Road or Highway
on a bevelling Line Six of said Chains
and Seventy three Links North
westerly by the Land of George Loughlen
about Fifty Links Southerly
by the Land of said Loughlen about one
Chain and Sixty Eight Links
Southeasterly by the Land of said
Loughlen about Fifty Links and
Southerly by the said Road or Highway
about Two Chains and fifty
two Links Northwesterly by the Land of
Cap^t Joseph Mayo about Four
Chains sixteen Links and Northerly by
the Land of Cap^t Nicholas Davis
about Ten Chains and Eighty Links.
Also one other Peice of Land
Bounded Northwesterly on said Road or
Highway there measuring
about Eighty five Links Northeasterly by
the Land of Edmund Cole
about one Chain and Ten Links,
Southeasterly by the Land of said
Cole about one Chain and South Westerly
by the Land of the said
Town about Seventy one Links, be all
the aforesaid Measures more
or less or howsoever other wise Bounded
or Reputed to be Bounded.
Together with all and Singular the
Buildings standing thereon the
???? ?? Priviledges Rights Commodities
Advantages and Appurt^s
to the said Messuage and Peice of Land
and Premises belonging
or in any kind Appertaining. To Have
and to Hold all the above
granted and bargained Messuage Land and
Premises with the Appur^s
unto the said Thomas Boylston his Heirs
and Assigns forever to his
and their only sole and Proper Use
Benefit and Behoof from hence
forth forever. And they the said
Joseph Seaver and Mary his Wife Shuball
Seaver and Abigail his Wife Edmund Cole
and Abigail his Wife
and Richard Mower and Thankful his Wife
for themselves their
Heirs Execut^rs and Admin^rs Doth
hereby Covenant Promise Grant and
[page 263, left hand image]
Agree to and with the said Thomas
Boylston his Heirs and Assigns
in manner and form following (Viz^t)
That at and Immediately
before the time of the Ensealing and
Delivery of these Presents
they the said Joseph and Mary Seaver
Shuball and Abigail Seaver
Edmund and Abigail Cole and Richard and
Thankful Mower
are the true Sole and Lawful Owners of
all the afore bargained
Premises and Stand Lawfully seized
thereof in their own Proper
Right of a good sure and Indefeasible
Estate of Inheritance in
Fee Simple Having in themselves full
Power good right and
Lawfull Authority to Grant sell and
Convey and Assure the same
unto the said Thomas Boylston his Heirs
and Assigns as aforesaid
and that the said Thomas Boylston his
Heirs and Assigns shall and
may by force and Virtue of these
Presents from henceforth forever
Lawfully Peaceably and Quietly Have
Hold Use Occupy Possess
and Enjoy the above granted and
bargained Premises free and Clear
and Clearly Acquitted Exonerated and
Discharged of and from all
and all manner of former and other
Gifts Grants Bargains Sales Loans
Mortgages Joyntures Judgments Entails,
and of and from all other
Titles Troubles Charges and
Incumbrances whatsoever. And Further
they do hereby Covenant Promise Grant
and Agree Bind and Oblige
themselves their Heirs Execut^rs and
Adm^rs from henceforth forever
hereafter to Warrant and Defend all the
above granted and
bargained Premises with the Appur^es
unto the said Thomas Boylston
his Heirs and Assigns forever Against
the Lawful Claims and Demands
of all and every Person or Persons
whomsoever. In Witness whereof
they the said Joseph Seaver and Mary
his Wife Shuball Seaver
and Abigail his Wife Edmund Cole and
Abigail his Wife and Richard
Mower and Thankful his Wife hath
hereunto set their Hands
and Seals dated the fifteenth Day of
November in the Ninth Year
of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord
George the Second King of Great
Britain &c Annoq. Dom^i 1735. –
Joseph Seaver and
a Seal. The Mark + of Mary Seaver and
a Seal. Shuball
Seaver and a Seal. The Mark of Abigail
I Seaver and a Seal.
Edmund Cole and a Seal. Abigail + Cole
her mark and a Seal.
Richard Mower and a Seal. The Mark of
Thankful + Mower and a seal.
Signed Sealed and Delivered in Presence
of us. The Words (The
Buildings Standing thereon) was
Interlined before the Ensealing.
Shuball Seaver and Abigail Seaver
Signed Sealed and Delivered
in Presence of us Jacob Sheafe Stephen
Richard Mower and Thankful his Wife
Signed Sealed and Delivered
in Presence of us John Mower Benj^a
Parker. Joseph Seaver
Signed Sealed and Delivered in Presence
of us Nathan Balston
Benja^a Parker. Mary Seaver Signed
Sealed and Delivered
[page 263, right hand image]
In Presence of us Belcher Noyes Benj^a
Parker. Edmund
Cole and Abigail his Wife Signed
Sealed and Delivered in the
Presence of William Smith W^m Browne
Jun^r. Suffolk Ss
Roxbury November 15 1735. Shuball
Seaver and Abigail his
Wife Personally Appeared before me and
Acknowledged the
within written Instrument to be their
Voluntary Act and
Deed John Bowles Justice Pacis. Essex
Ss Lynn Novem^r
17^th 1735. Then Cap^t Richard Mower
and M^rs Thankful Mower
Severally Appeared Acknowledged the
foregoing Instrument to
be their Act and Deed Before The^o
Burrill Ju P^c
Suffolk Ss. Boston November 21^st 1735
Mr. Joseph Sever One of the
Subscribers of the beforegoing
Instrument Personally Appeared
and acknowledged the same to be his Act
and Deed before me
John Ruck Just. Peace. Suffolk Ss
Boston Decem^r 5^th 1735
Mary Seaver Personally appearing
acknowledged the
Instrument adjoining hereunto to be her
Voluntary Act
and Deed Before me Anthony Stoddary
Jus. Pac.
Suffolk Ss Roxbury. June 26, 1736
Edmund Cole and Abigail
his Wife Personally Appeared and
Acknowledged the Instru-
ment Contained in the other half Sheet
to be their Voluntary
Act and Deed Coram H. Hall Just.
Pacis. June 29 1736.
Received and accordingly Entred and
Ss Samuel Gerrish Reg^r.
The source citation for this deed is:
"Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org : accessed 4 June 2017); Suffolk County, "Deeds, 1735-1736, Vol. 52-53," Volume 52, pages 262-3 (images 275-276 of 557), Sale of Roxbury land by Shubael Seaver's heirs to Thomas Boylston, written 15 November 1735, recorded 29 June 1736.
I posted the Indenture that defined all of the real property and Shubael Seaver's desires his five children to share in Amanuensis Monday - Deed Records for Shubael Seaver (1640-1730) in Roxbury, Massachusetts - Part 1. In Amanuensis Monday - Deed Records for Shubael Seaver (1640-1730) in Roxbury, Massachusetts - Part 2 the five heirs at-law agreed to a division of the real property of their father, Shubael Seaver. In Amanuensis Monday - Deed Records for Joseph Seaver (1672-1754) in Roxbury, Massachusetts - Part 1, one of the heirs (Patrick Gregory and his wife Hannah) sold their share of the estate to the other four heirs for £400. In Amanuensis Monday - Deed Records for Joseph Seaver (1672-1754) in Roxbury, Massachusetts - Part 2, the heirs sold the Gregory share of the estate to Thomas Boylston for £400.
In this deed, the four remaining heirs sell the land that Joseph Seaver was granted in the distribution in Roxbury from the estate of Shubael Seaver to Thomas Boylston. I don't understand why the four heirs were selling it and why it wasn't only Joseph Seaver selling it.
The measurements in this deed are in Gunter's chains and links. A Gunter's chain is 4 rods in length, or 66 feet. A link is one hundredth of a chain, or 7.92 inches. The first parcel is essentially a trapezoid that is about 720 feet east-west and 210 feet north-south, except for the Loughlen land that is about 110 feet east-west and 23 feet north-south along the road. This parcel is about 3.4 acres.
The second parcel is a quadrilateral measuring 56 feet, 73 feet, 66 feet and 47 feet on the four sides, or less than 0.1 acre. It is on the southeast side of the road opposite the first length on the first parcel.
Apparently, the road doglegs at the second point of the first parcel. I will try to plot this land and try to identify where it might be on a Roxbury map in a later post. This is important to me because my first three Seaver generations in Roxbury resided on this land.
With this deed, I think that Joseph Seaver has sold all of his interest in his father's lands in Roxbury. His siblings received other land parcels in the estate distribution and I don't know what happened to those.
Joseph Seaver (1672-1754) and his wife Mary (Read) Bruce are my 7th great-grandparents, through their son Robert Seaver (1702-1752) who married Eunice Rayment in 1726.
NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"
"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver
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