1) Although we have been home from RootsTech for two weeks, Linda and I have been sick ever since, and are still exhausted from coughing and napping. We think we are better, but still not up to normal. This has significantly reduced my research and writing time so that I have done little but blogging in the past week. I did attend the CVGS Research Group meeting last Wednesday but it wiped me out and I can't recall much of it!
2) We had only seven attendees at the CVGS Research Group meeting on Wednesday, with several of our regulars missing due to illness. I tried to share what I learned at RootsTech, and showed them how to access the RootsTech keynote and class videos available at www.rootstech.org.
3) I managed to update the RootsTech 2018 Blog Compendium - Last UPDATED 19 March post every day. We now have 56 geneabloggers on the list.
4) I participated in the 17 March Surname Society Conference (www.surname-society.org) as one of five presenters during the day. My talk was "Using FamilySearch Digital Microfilm to Find Genealogical Records" that described how to access the 77% of digitized records on FamilySearch that are not indexed. It should be available on FamilyTreeWebinars.com in the future. I didn't sleep well the night before this talk, and took an hour-long nap in the morning in order to be lucid. I had my cough medicine at the ready but didn't cough once! I was exhausted afterwards. My thanks to Marian Pierre-Louis for the technical expertise and Kirsty Gray and the Surname Society for the opportunity. I am a member of the Society.
5) I participated in the 19 March edition of the Mondays With Myrt webinar. In today's webinar, we discussed the website OldMapsOnline.org, which has an overlay capability of older maps with current maps. Pat Kuhn received an Ancestry message that she has the wrong photo attached to her relative Austin Van Billiard, who died on the Titanic in 1912. We discussed this for quite awhile, trying to figure out if the message was real or right. We still don't know. Dave Robison was asked how he promotes his local society, and Pat wrote them down on a whiteboard. Others with local society experience chimed in too. Hillary Gadsby described the Surname Society annual conference, and I summarized what I presented as did Pat Richley-Erickson. Pat then highlighted several of the recent news items, especially the GDPR law.
6) I had two new AncestryDNA close matches last week - they are both first cousins twice removed. I corresponded with their father several times. Their mother's father was adopted, and the hope is that the DNA test would locate siblings or relatives of the birth parents of the mother's father. This is the closest I've come to helping with an adoption and birth parent discovery in my own family.
7) I have 265 Shared Ancestors on my AncestryDNA list (I had 264 last week), 784 4th cousins or closer (up from 783 last week), and 691 pages (over 34,500 matches with at least 5 cM) (was 681 pages last week) of matches. I have 12 matches that are third cousins or closer, and 90 matches with 34 cM (0.5%) or more (was 90 last week). My highest match has 779 cM (11.5%), and is one of my first cousins. I have 18 DNA Circles (up from 15 two weeks ago). There were no new close matches (both first cousins twice removed). Very few of the new matches have an Ancestry Member Tree.
8) I have 3,249 DNA Matches on MyHeritage (up from 3,101 last week) with at least 8 cM (0.1%), with 26 matches with more than 34 cM (0.5%) or more (was 25 last week). I have two close relatives, both first cousins twice removed. The highest match is 293 cM (4.0%). Most of my matches have very small trees with no common ancestors shown.
9) I have 1,097 DNA Relatives on 23andMe (I had 1,097 last week) who share at least 0.10% with me. Of these, only 1 shares 1.0% or more, and 38 share 0.50% or more (was 38 last week), with the highest match being 1.54%. I struggle to find out anything about most of these testers.
10) I have 2,475 autosomal DNA Matches on FamilyTreeDNA (up from 2,464 last week) who share 0.25% (18 cM) or more, with the highest match being 96 cM (1.42%). I have 12 who share at least 1.0% (68 cM) with me, and 1,335 who share at least 0.50% (34 cM) or more (was 1,332 last week) with me. I have had better luck finding shared ancestors here with a few of these testers.
11) There were occasional sessions working in RootsMagic to update FamilySearch Family Tree profiles for Seaver families and other database families, with occasional additions to the RootsMagic profiles. I have matched 22,971 of my persons with FSFT. I now have 49,740 persons in my RootsMagic file. I TreeShared several times during the last week. There were also several sessions in Ancestry Hints to add content and source citations for the new RootsMagic profile additions. I've fallen behind on the Record Hints with 58,914 waiting to be resolved, but I'm working on them. Every time I add something to RootsMagic and TreeShare, the Hints multiply.
Copyright (c) 2018, Randall J. Seaver
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