Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Betty and Randy in 1944 -- Post 551 of (Not So) Wordless Wednesday

Several months ago, I discovered an envelope of small photographs saved when my mother died in 2002 - it was hiding in plain sight in the Genea-Cave! 

Included in the photo cache was this oldie-but-goodie - a photograph of my mother holding me as a baby:

This photograph was probably taken in mid-to-late 1944 since I seem to have several front teeth.  I'm guessing that I was about 9 months old.  I don't have many photos of my mother smiling as broadly as this.

I don't know where this was taken.  It may be in the backyard of the Chula Vista home on Twin Oaks, or it may have been taken in the back yard of the Carringer home on Fern Street in San Diego, or some other place.  My father may have taken this photograph with him when he entered the U.S. Navy in August 1944.  


Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver

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