Monday, January 28, 2019

Monday Genea-Pourri - 28 January 2019

Here is a summary of my family history and genealogy related activities over the past week:

1)  Moderated the SDGS RootsMagic User's Group meeting on Saturday, with 19 attendees at the temporary San Diego FamilySearch Library.  We discussed the recent updates to Version 7.5.9 since our last meeting in October, and also answered attendee questions concerning how to use experimental trees, how to put a RootsMagic tree on Ancestry, how to merge two persons, and the Place list (including editing, merging, mapping, how to get a list of events for a place, and much more).  

2)  Transcribed another deed for Amanuensis Monday - 1807 Deed of Mary Barry to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.  I need to find more deeds to continue this series.

3)  Watched one Family Tree Webinar this past week - Patriot or Not?: Using the Genealogical Proof Standard on a Closed DAR Line, by Elissa Scalise Powell.

4)  Participated in today's Mondays With Myrt.  Subjects discussed were Tony Proctor's presentation on Physical Organization vs. Indexing, and his "Buddy" meta file to associate keywords and notes to a computer file.  I mentioned my two blog posts about Ancestry problems and trees.  Dave talked about the Connecticut Society of Genealogists, and True talked about Black Pro Gen webinars/videos and the SLIG talk by LaBrenda Garrett-Nelson.

5) There were several sessions working in the RootsMagic software program to update FamilySearch Family Tree profiles for Seaver families and other ancestral families, with occasional additions to the RootsMagic profiles. I have matched 29,094 of my RootsMagic persons with FSFT.  

6)  I continue to use Web Hints from Ancestry, MyHeritage, Findmypast and FamilySearch to add content and sources to my RootsMagic profiles.  I now have 52,155 persons in my RootsMagic file, and 100,650 source citations.   I TreeShared three times during the last week (about 280 profiles), and resolved about 700 Ancestry Hints.  I've fallen behind on the Ancestry Record Hints with 92,487 waiting to be resolved, but I work on them weekly.

7)  I decided to cover the DNA statistics monthly in a separate post rather than weekly in my Genea-Pourri post.

8) Wrote 18 Genea-Musings blog posts last week, of which two were press releases.  The most popular post last week was A Reader's Take on Problems - Part I - Ancestry Member Tree Indexing  with over 1,007 views.  

9)  We hosted Linda's brother, Paul, and his wife Debra this weekend at Genea-Musings Manor and Cave, and had fun telling family stories, reviewing family photos and documents, and checking out DNA matches.  We ate out for lunch and dinner, and even shopped for a new recliner for Linda.  They took her to the YMCA and shopping afterwards so that I could attend Mondays With Myrt today.


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