A NEW EDITION IS ABOUT TO ARRIVEIt's been thirty years since Family Tree Maker was born and it's only fitting that we introduce a new edition this year that takes this grand old brand to places its original creators could only have dreamed of. Where every change you make to your tree on your Mac or PC can be instantly and automatically viewed from your smart phone or tablet. Where you can turn back time to erase mistakes you made even a thousand changes ago. Where you can arrange for your tree to be passed on to a relative of your choice along with your Family Tree Maker license to ensure your legacy lives on. That's just a small part of the new world of Family Tree Maker you'll be seeing this summer. Pre-order sales start today.
PRE-ORDER NOW. SAVE BIG. Click here to pre-order FTM 2019.
10. Turn Back Time. This one might just be worth the whole upgrade. FTM 2019 keeps track of every one of your last THOUSAND changes. Made a mistake three days ago but your last full backup is three weeks old? Just roll back to just before the mistake was made with a single click. Then use the comprehensive Changes Log to restore the moves you meant to make. Problem solved.
9. FamilySearch Integration 2.0. Lots of news here starting with the ability to download an entire branch from a FamilySearch tree into FTM 2019. But the big news here is historical record hints which you'll get when you match a person in your Family Tree Maker tree to a person in a FamilySearch family tree. Simple as that.
8. Hints in the Index. Once found only on tree views, in FTM 2019, Ancestry and FamilySearch hints appear in the people index too. So you can check for hints for a particular family name or for any saved list.
7. Smart Filters. In FTM 2017 we introduced the ability to save filtered lists. Now those lists just got smarter. The filter that created the list actively gathers any new people that meet that filter's criteria that are added to your tree. For example, if your filtered list is for military service, when you add two more service men or women to your tree, they'll be added automatically to that list.
6. Folder counters. Stop peeking into folders to see if there's anything in there. Numbers on your folder tabs now show the number of items stored in each one. Simple idea. Big time-saver.
5. Profile Picture perfection. Clean up the look of your tree with our new profile picture cropping tool. Smart technology detects the person's face and zooms just the right amount, then crops a perfect square so that it fits perfectly on each leaf of your tree. And best of all, the original photo is not touched.
4. Tree Browser. Get what you're looking for quickly with this new window into your tree files. Search a family name and find all related trees wherever they are – on Ancestry, on your hard drive, or up in the clouds. And for each tree you'll have everything you need to know at your fingertips – does that FTM tree have a linked Ancestry tree, and if so, under what name? No links to an Ancestry tree? Click Download in the browser to get all synched up.
3. Rich Color Coding. One of the most frequent requests from genealogists using FTM 2017's color coding, was for "rich" color coding – not just coding the home person's ancestors but each ancestor's descendants as well. With FTM 2019, rich color coding is just one click away.
2. TreeVault Cloud Services. With TreeVault your relatives will be able to view your tree on their smartphones and tablets and send notes back to you. You'll know what the weather was like the day your grandfather was born. And you'll sleep better knowing that you have an up to date copy of your tree securely tucked away, and that someday it will be passed on to the next generation. We will be adding services with each update, but here's the starting lineup:
Emergency Tree™ restore service. TreeVault keeps a continuously updated copy of your tree ready to hand back to you if your hard drive should crash or some other catastrophe strikes.
FTM Connect™ is a FREE mobile app (for iPad, iPhone and coming soon for Android) that displays your latest FTM tree anywhere, any time – even when your computer is off. Handy for sharing your tree with relatives or for using your iPad as a second monitor with your continuously updated tree.
Historical Weather™ puts color in your family story with more than a billion historical weather records. Dates will never be boring again. Consider:
Next of Kin™ allows you to designate a successor to your TreeVault account to pass along your family tree. You will get a certificate that may be included with a will, providing instructions and passcodes for taking over your account along with your Family Tree Maker license.
1. It's on sale, right? Not only on sale, but at the best price for this upgrade you'll ever see. Just $29.95 for the next three days (50% off the regular upgrade price of $59.95). And as if that weren't good enough, you'll also get a full year of TreeVault cloud services for FREE. Click here to learn more.
STILL HAVE QUESTIONS? If there's something you'd like to know about upgrading, you can pose your questions to our friendly Support Agents, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via Live Chat. Just click the Live Chat here.
It was in 1989 that version 1.0 of Family Tree Maker was first released on floppy discs by Banner Blue and we're just the fourth publisher in the thirty years since then to have the honor to take a turn at the wheel. We hope you'll get a chance to be among the first this summer to fire up the smartest, fastest, most ambitious new Family Tree Maker ever built. And when you do, we hope you'll let us know what you think. Get ready, and stay tuned. We're just getting started.
Jack Minsky
Software MacKiev
Disclosure: I have received material considerations from Software MacKiev and Family Tree Maker over the past two years. That does not affect my objectivity in evaluating this software.
The URL for this post is: https://www.geneamusings.com/2019/05/family-tree-maker-2019-pre-order-sale.html
Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver
Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post. Share it on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest using the icons below. Or contact me by email at randy.seaver@gmail.com.
Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post. Share it on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest using the icons below. Or contact me by email at randy.seaver@gmail.com.
Randy, thank you for passing along this announcement, but I have a question. I do not own a previous version of FTM, so I went to their website and had a live chat with them about requirements. Their representative said if I received this announcement I was eligible. I said I did not receive it personally but had read it on a blog I subscribe to. He said then I am not eligible because the pre-order sale is intended only for owners. I know you have a relationship with MacKiev and therefore assumed all of us who read your blog could take advantage of the offer (even though it is an upgrade). Is it possible this is true and the MacKiev representative was mistaken, or not informed? Neither your announcement nor the MacKiev website give any requirements for the upgrade. Thanks. Gene
I paid for FTM 19 to be used on 3 computers.
It was to arrive in the summer.
I havenot received it!
It is now October 24, 2019.
Sue Davis
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