Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Gramp and Randy in About 1945 -- Post 590 of (Not So) Wordless Wednesday

I can't help it, I can't do a wordless post!  I found some more family photos hiding in my voluminous My Pictures file folder - This is one of my favorite photographs:

This photo was taken in about 1945, and shows my grandfather, Lyle L. Carringer ("Gramp," about age 54), with his first grandson, little Randy Seaver at about age one and a half or two. The setting is probably the corn field in the back yard, or side yard, of my grandparents house on Fern Street in San Diego. 

I loved being with my grandparents.  In the 1944 to early 1946 time, my father was in the U.S. Navy and my mother was teaching school, so my grandmother "Gram" was my steady companion during the day, and I'm sure my grandfather "Gramp" got the "duty" in the afternoon after his work day at Marston's department store in downtown San Diego as my grandmother fixed dinner.  I'm pretty sure he loved the "duty."  He was patient and kind and adventurous, so I was too.  


Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver

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