Calling all Genea-Musings Fans:
It's Saturday Night again -
time for some more Genealogy Fun!!
Here is your assignment, should you decide to accept it (you ARE reading this, so I assume that you really want to play along - cue the Mission Impossible music!):
1) Jill Ball reconstituted her "Accentuate the Positive Geneameme 2019" on 30 December 2019 and invited readers to participated.
2) This week, let's contribute our answers to her questions about our genealogy accomplishments in 2019. Copy the questions below, and add your own responses.
3) Share your responses on your own blog, in comments on this blog, or on Facebook. Please leave a comment on this post so readers can find your post, and please let Jill know about your efforts by emailing her at
Here's mine:
1. An elusive ancestor I found was:
I think I may have found that my 3rd great-grandfather is not Thomas J. Newton but is Lasmbert Brigham, if the DNA matches mean anything. I wrote about it in Can DNA Determine Who My 3rd Great-Grandfather Is?
2. A great newspaper article I found was:
I have so many due to my weekly Seavers in the News series. The most amazing one is probably Seavers in the News -- Anna (Tague) Seaver (1809-1886) Dies in Indiana.
3. A geneajourney I took was:
The only genealogy related trip I made in 2019 was to the Genealogy Jamboree in Burbank in early June.
4. I locate an important record:
The 1900 Mason membership certificate of my great-grandfather was described in Treasure Chest Thursday - 1900 Mason Certificate of Henry Austin Carringer. I wrote the local chapter and they provided more papers - see Treasure Chest Thursday - 1896 Masonic Lodge Application of Henry Austin Carringer.
5. A newly found family member shared:
I received several new DNA matches on Ancestry that are in the 3rd cousin range.
6. A geneasurprise I received was:
My daughter Lori gave me a Christmas gift of "time to go to RootsTech SLC 2020" by coming to be caretaker of my wife for four days. [Thank you, Diane Gould Hall, for remembering this for me!]
7. My 2019 social media post that I was particularly proud of was:
I wrote Dear Are You Fixing These Problems? in January and, after several months, Ancestry fixed all of the problems.
8. I made a new genimate who:
I can't think of any.
9. A new piece of technology or skill I mastered was:
Finding Italian church and civil registration records for my grandsons' ancestry on FamilySearch - see Finding More of My Grandsons' Italian Ancestral Records - Updated!
10. I joined:
Nothing new here...
11. A genealogy education session or event from which I learnt something new was:
I watch at least one Family Tree Webinar or Virtual Genealogical Association webinar each week. I also attend the San Diego Genealogical Society seminars and monthly meetings, and the Chula Vista Genealogical Society monthly meetings. I went to a number of classes at the Genealogy Jamboree in Burbank. I learn new things all the time, but usually it's from an online source that I can use.
12. A blog post that taught me something new was:
Many of the DNA blog posts from Roberta Estes, Diahan Southard, Blaine Bettinger, Kitty Cooper and others taught me something new.
13. A DNA discovery I made was:
Ancestry ThruLines provided common ancestors for about 0.5% of my AncestryDNA matches. I have been adding the lines to my RootsMagic tree with notes identifying the common ancestors.
14. I taught a genimate how to:
I taught several society friends about AncestryDNA ThruLines and MyHeritage Theory of Family Relativity.
15. A brick wall I demolished was:
No brick walls demolished.
16. A great site I visited was:
Ancestry's collection for Index of Obituaries is wonderful.
17. A new genealogy/history book I enjoyed was:
The latest Nathan Dylan Goodwin book The Asylum.
18. It was exciting to finally meet:
I can't think of someone that I first met in 2019. I'm sure that there were many. Who remembers meeting me for the first time?
19. I am excited for 2020 because:
One of my goals is to apply to the General Society of Mayflower Descendants.
20. Another positive I would like to share is ...
The genealogy blogging community is alive and well, and is a fountain of traditional and genetic genealogy information. We would all learn more if more geneabloggers were posting their experiences, opinions, and research.
Copyright (c) 2020, Randall J. Seaver
Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post. Share it on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or Pinterest using the icons below. Or contact me by email at
I posted my answers several days ago, so here is my link:
Great list Randy. I can think of one for #8 for you. The Christmas genea surprise from your daughter so you can go to Rootstech this year.
Thank you, Diane!!!! Obviously too obvious for me to think of it. I added it to #6.
Here is mine:
Love these questions. Here's the link to my answers:
I had fun with these questions.
Here's mine
Thanks for your responses Randy and for sharing the geneameme. I have added links to all of the all of the responses mentioned in these comments to the compendium here:
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