Tuesday, April 21, 2020

AncestryDNA Adds DNA Match Tree Icon to Ancestry Member Tree Profiles

Crista Cowan showed a new AncestryDNA feature in a booth talk at RootsTech 2020 Salt Lake city, and it is finally available for everyone.  See her YouTube video of the feature at   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqY1HyBXMGg&t=49s (she mentions the new feature starting at about 21 minutes into the video).  

I don't know what Ancestry calls it, but I will call it a "DNA Match tree icon."  It is used to identify a DNA match profile that is in your Ancestry Member Tree.  The profile of the DNA Match has to be in YOUR Ancestry Member Tree.  As an example, Crista used her brother in the YouTube video.

I am going to use my first cousin as my example, but I have anonymized her in my images below.  

Here is the "Trees" page for my DNA match:

The red circle highlights a DNA tree icon that is not colored in.  If I click on that tree icon, the right-hand side of the screen opens and shows me a field (inside the red rectangle below) for me to select the person in my tree that I want to connect to the DNA match:

I typed my DNA match's user name into the field, as shown below in the red box, and the system accepted the person.

Note that the "DNA match tree icon" (inside the red circle) is now colored blue, with a small green check on the right side of the icon.

That blue "DNA match tree icon" now shows up on:

*   my DNA match page (so I can see that I have added the match person to my Ancestry Member Tree) and the page for my DNA match information (as in the first chart above)

*  my Ancestry Member Tree pedigree and family views (to indicate that I have a DNA match with that person) - in the red circle below:

That blue "DNA match tree icon" does not show up right now (and I wish it would for consistency and convenience) on:

*  the Ancestry Member Tree profile (Facts, Gallery, Hints pages) of my DNA match.

*  the ThruLine chart of my DNA match, as shown below):

There is a blue "DNA match icon" on the DNA match on this ThruLine, but there is not a "DNA match tree icon" on the DNA match.  If the same blue icon from the earlier charts above was added to the DNA match on the ThruLine, it would inform me that I already have that person in my Ancestry Member Tree, which would save me time in checking that I have added the DNA match, and their family line from a common ancestor, to my Ancestry Member Tree.


Disclosure:  I have a complimentary all-access subscription from Ancestry.com, for which I am thankful.  Ancestry.com has provided material considerations for travel expenses to meetings, and has hosted events and meals that I have attended in Salt Lake City, in past years.

The URL for this post is: https://www.geneamusings.com/2020/04/ancestrydna-adds-dna-match-tree-icon-to.html

Copyright (c) 2020, Randall J. Seaver

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Karen Bruton said...

Which tree are you able to see the icon in? The one attached to your DNA matches? I don’t see it.

Randy Seaver said...


Yes, the Ancestry Member Tree your DNA is attached to.

The icon shows up in the pedigree view and family view on the tile for the DNA match in your AMT. It does not show up on the Profile page for that person for some reason.

Chris Bergstrom said...

So it doesn't appear like after connecting the matches to you're tree they are then available on thrulines.... which i wish it would do and use my tree as the basis for the thrulines....

I have a first cousin with no tree, he doesnt appear in my thrulines as he doesnt appear in any trees but mine.

Grammy6pak said...

If the person in your Thrulines is also in your Tree, they will have a solid line rectangle around them, if they are not in your tree, they will have a broken line around them!

Thank you for your explaination!

Margo Lurvey

Unknown said...

I'm new to Ancestry and trying figure out how to navigate. I saw some folks on my DNA match list- don't know any of them personally. I decided to connect the green DNA Tree Icon to several of these matched 2nd cousins-not sure how doing so will help matters- but figured there must be value. I have several 2nd cousins connected through the same deceased great uncle- but when I go to add the icon for other relatives connected through him- it won't allow it. It only allows me to attach one DNA Match to one person on my tree. I wonder if you might shed light on the purpose this DNA Match Tree icon/feature. I don't understand the rationale- should I be connecting my DNA Matches to my tree?