The treasure today is the 1692 birth record of Ruth Walker in the Woburn, Massachusetts town vital record book:
The birth record for Ruth Walker is the first entry in the Walker list on this page:
This record says:
"[WALKER] Ruth, d. of John and Ruth, Dec. 4, 1692."
The source citation for this record is:
Edward F. Johnson, Woburn Records of Births, Marriages and Deaths [5 Volumes], (Woburn, Mass.: The News Print, 1893), Volume 1, Births, page 268, Ruth Walker birth entry, 4 December 1692, daughter of Jojohn and Ruth.
This record is a Derivative Source (because it is a compilation of records from another source) with Primary Information and Direct Evidence of the name of Ruth Walker and her parents, and the birth date and place. The Original Source is a town record book birth register that is no longer available. This is still Primary Information and Direct Evidence for the names and birth event.
Ruth Walker (1692-1752) was the daughter of John and Ruth (Kendall) Walker of Woburn, Massachusetts. Ruth Walker married Josiah Wood (1687-1753) in Woburn in about 1710, and they had 9 children.
Josiah and Ruth (Walker) Wood are my 7th great-grandparents, through their daughter,, Susanna Wood (1724-1780) who married Nathan Reed (1719-1802) in 1743 in Boston.
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Copyright (c) 2020, Randall J. Seaver
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