Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Cowboy Randy Perched On a Horse in About 1947 -- Post 647 of (Not So) Wordless Wednesday

 I can't help it, I can't do a wordless post! This is one of my favorite photographs:

That is yours truly proudly and happily sitting on this horse in cowboy regalia in about 1947.  I'm guessing I was about 3 years old then.  From what I was told, a man came around selling photographs of his horse and my parents, or grandparents, happily set me on the horse.  My guess is that the black hat, red bandanna, and probably brown chaps came with the horse to use for little boys who wanted a ride.  

The setting is probably one of the fruit and vegetable areas of the Carringer homes on the 30th Street block between Hawthorn and Ivy Streets in San Diego.  Or, it may be at a nearby park.

This photo (originally black and white) has been enhanced and colorized using the MyHeritage photo tools.  I'm not sure the chaps were really a reddish color.  


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Copyright (c) 2020, Randall J. Seaver

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jennyalogy said...

So cute

Nancy said...

You look so pleased, Randy. The pony, not so much, considering his wild-eyed expression. No doubt a split-second snapshot caught that expression. Never would have put children on a pony that wasn't calm and accepting of children.