Calling all Genea-Musings Fans:
It's Saturday Night again -
time for some more Genealogy Fun!!
Here is your assignment, should you decide to accept it (you ARE reading this, so I assume that you really want to play along - cue the Mission Impossible music!):
1) What do you "take after" or "favor" from our parents and/or grandparents? It could be looks, traits, mannerisms, speech, etc.
2) Put it in your own blog post, in a comment to this post, or in a Facebook post. Please leave a link in a comment to this post.
My thanks to reader Liz Tapley for suggesting this topic.
Here's mine:
A) Physical size, looks, etc.
* I am 5'10" tall, my father was 6'2", my mother like 5'4", but my brothers were both about 6'2". My grandfather Seaver was about 5'10" and my grandfather Carringer was 5'7".
* I had blonde hair as a child, which turned brownish with auburn streaks before turning gray. My father and mother both had dark brown hair.
* I am pretty bald now, and it has been receding since I was 21 years old. My father had a widow's peak with receding temples, and my maternal grandfather had a full head of hair. My paternal grandfather had thinning hair and receding temples, but wasn't bald. My great-grandfather Auble was cue-ball bald so it's all his fault!
* I have blue eyes, and both of my parents had blue eyes. I don't know about my grandparents.
* My skin is very fair - I get sunburned easily, my skin peels, when it burns, and I have some basal cell spots on my arms and head. I think my parents burned easily, but I don't recall spots. None of us tanned well. I think this reflects my 99% western European ancestry.
* I am overweight which reflects my sedentary lifestyle since I was a teenager (125 pounds at age 18), sitting at a desk all day. My father was somewhat overweight after 1971 when he retired, but had a job driving and walking as an insurance agent when he was working. My maternal grandfather was thin all of his life and had a walking job at a department store in San Diego.
* I have one good eye and one eye with amblyopia that was never corrected. My aunt Marion, my father's oldest sister, had it too.
B) Traits and mannerisms:
* I am fairly even-tempered in public, but I have a temper in private at times, expressed as a cuss word or a door slam, but nothing more violent. My father was similar, my mother was very even tempered and rarely raised her voice. My maternal grandparents seemed very peaceful and happy. I never met my paternal grandfather and met my grandmother only once.
* I love to read. My mother did too, and her parents also. I don't recall my father reading much. We had a large library of fiction and nonfiction books, plus World Book encyclopedia, in my house growing up. My mother had a "mysteries library" in her home after becoming a widow and would lend paperback books to me and to others. I have a fairly extensive genealogy library and read for about an hour every light from library books and online books - mainly mysteries and crime fiction.
* My love of sports is from my father. He coached youth baseball, and listened to or watched baseball, football and basketball all of his life. He loved the Chargers most. My mother put up with it (only one TV!). My brothers and I loved it - playing, coaching, watching, being fans of Padres, Chargers, Clippers, Gulls.
* My maternal grandparents, my parents, and my wife and I had/have traditional values of right and wrong, law and order, trying, studying, and working hard, achieving goals but not bragging, being judgmental of actions and words of others, etc.
* I don't recall many "sayings" of my parents or grandparents - perhaps my brothers do. My Massachusetts-born father used to say "For crying out loud!" when I or my brothers did something wrong. But I don't think I did/do that with my children or grandchildren.
C) This was difficult because I don't think I look like either of my parents, or like my grandparents. It's difficult to tell because the photographs I have are at different ages.
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Copyright (c) 2021, Randall J. Seaver
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Randy, I think that you look exactly like your father!
My post.
Thank you, Randy, for using my suggestion! I just wasn't expecting it so SOON!! LOL
Here's my post:
Here's my contribution.
Here's my link:
Here is my post --> My post.
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