Monday, August 23, 2021

CVGS Program on Wednesday, 25 August: Rick Hanson on "Writing and Publishing Your Family History"

 Wednesday, 25 August 2021, 12 noon PDT

CVGS General Meeting (in a Zoom Video Conference)

Rick Hanson on "Writing and Publishing Your Family History”

 One of the best ways to ensure that all your genealogical research will survive is to publish a book.  This presentation provides an overview of the entire publishing effort – types of publications, why bother, writing, content, copyright, ISBNs, classification systems, other registrations, printing, binding and revisions.

 Rick Hanson was a career computer programmer/analyst, and is now retired. He has been working with other family members on genealogy since 1983. He authored and self-published seven books (and is working on the eighth). Rick created a database of almost 4000 scanned family photos and source documents to support his book projects. He is the webmaster for the USGenWeb - Sierra County (CA) web site.

He’s active in several local genealogy and historical society groups in Northern California.


Attendance is free but only 100 seats are available so please register soon.

This program will be held online using the Zoom video conferencing platform for Meetings. A Zoom meeting invitation will be sent via email to CVGS members on 23 August.  Please note that the meeting starts at 12 noon Pacific Daylight Time.  The Zoom Meeting room will be open by 11:40 a.m. for visiting and helping attendees connect.

This invitation is available to non-members by registering at You will receive an email the day before the meeting with the link to JOIN.  Attendance is limited to 100 attendees.  Contact if you have problems.

NOTE:  The Chula Vista Genealogical Society offers an email membership of $10 per year for distant members (outside of San Diego County, California).  Besides the monthly General Meeting with a program on last Wednesdays, there is a monthly Research Group meeting on second Wednesdays and a DNA Interest Group meeting on the third Wednesdays, plus a monthly 10-page email newsletter chock full of program announcements, research tips and program reviews.


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Copyright (c) 2021, Randall J. Seaver

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