Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Rabbit Hole Genealogy Fun - Death Record of Irene Albina Marano in Capestrano, Italy

 I had a free hour this morning to have some genealogy fun, and I wondered if FamilySearch had records for my grandsons Italian ancestors.  They are all in the FamilySearch Family Tree, and in my Ancestry Member Tree, and also in several other Ancestry trees.  But I was looking for records of birth/baptism, marriage, and death/burial for sourcing to original records for the persons involved..

When I clicked on my grandsons' 3rd great-grandfather Carlo Giuseppe Cerasoli (1840-????) of Capestrano, L'Aquila, Italy,  profile in the FamilySearch Family Tree, I clicked on the FamilySearch search link to find records for him.  One of those records was the death record for his wife, Irene Albina Marano, in which he was listed as a spouse.  Here is the index record for the death record of Irene Marano:

The source citation provided by FamilySearch is:

"Italia, L'Aquila, Stato Civile (Archivio di Stato), 1809-1865, 1911-1943," database with images,   FamilySearch ( : 17 March 2018), Carlo Cerasoli in entry for Irene Albina Marano, 14 Dec 1914; citing Death, Capestrano, L'Aquila, Italy, certificate, archivio di Stato di L'Aquila (L'Aquila State Archives), Italy; FHL microfilm 100523126.

This record states that Irene Albina Marano died 14 December 1914 in Capestrano, L'Aquila, Italy at age 76, and her husband was Carlo Cerasoli. It shows that Irene's parents are Giandomenico Marano and Giustina Cerasoli.  

The original image of the record is not available to me at home in the FamilySearch record collections or in digital microfilm, but it is available at the local Family History Center in the Family History Catalog as digital microfilm.

Then I remembered that the Italian Civil Records for this time period are on the Antenati website ( - could I find it?  On the Antenati site, I searched by her name, Capestrano and 1914 and was rewarded by:

And there is the actual page with the death record at the bottom of the image above:

Irene's death record is the first record on this page.  Here is my first attempt at a source citation for the image:

Gli Archivi per la Recerca Anagrafica, indexed records with record indexes, Portale Antenati ( : accessed 30 November 2021), Archivio di Stato dell'Aquila, Stato civile italiano > Capestrano > 1914, Morti, page 15, Irene Albina Marano death entry, 14 December 1914.

Italian death records are wonderful because they give the husband's name and usually the parents names. The real finds here are Irene's death date and her parent's names - Giandomenico Marano and Giustina Cerasoli.  I also found Carlo Cerasoli's death record in 1911 in Capestrano in another record not listed in the FamilySearch database for some reason.

The death record for Carlo Giuseppe Cerasoli in 1911 says his parents were Emidio Cerasoli and Anna Trolla.  It appears that he married his cousin of some degree (likely a first or second cousin).

I need to have more genealogy fun like this every day!  Sometimes you get the rabbit and sometimes the rabbit gets you - this time, I won.


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Copyright (c) 2021, Randall J. Seaver

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1 comment:

Jacqi Stevens said...

Celebrating that you got the rabbit this time, Randy...and you know how I am about chasing those rabbits!