Monday, February 14, 2022

Amanuensis Monday -- 1733 Deed of Land in Southborough and Westborough, Massachusetts by Nathan Brigham to Son Nathan Brigham Jr.

 This week's document for transcription is the 1733 deed record for Nathan Brigham, Gentleman of Marlborough, Massachusetts giving eight parcels of land in Southborough and Westborough to his son Nathan Brigham Jr., yeoman of Southborough, for parental love and affection.

*  Worcester County, Massachusetts Deeds, Volume 10, page 447 (starts on right-hand page):

*  Worcester County, Massachusetts Deeds, Volume 10, page 448 (ends on left-hand page):

The transcription of this deed is (line-by-line, starting near the top of the right-hand page of the first image):

To all People to whom these presents shall come Greeting.  Know ye that I
Nathan Brigham of Marlborough in y'e county of Middlesex in his Majesties
province of y'e Massachusetts Bay in New England Gent for & in
Consideration of that Parentall Love & affection which I have & do bear
toward my well beloved son, Nathan Brigham of Southborough in y'e county
of Worcester and province aforesaid Yeoman Have given Granted
Conveyed and Confirmed and do by these presents fully freely & Absolutely
Give Grant bargain Convey and Confirm unto y'e said Nathan Brigham
& to his Heirs and Assigns forever y'e several pieces of Land and meadow
hereafter mentioned Containing in y'e whole one Hundred & Seventy one
acres be y'e the same more or Less and is scituate in Southborough partly & partly
in Westborough in y'e County of Worcester and province afores'd part
thereof is scituate where said Nathan Brigham now Dwells near Andrews
pond in Southborough twenty acres thereof is where his now Dwelling House
Stands bounded North & North westwardly by a highway & Eastwardly by
y'e Land of Abram Williams Southwardly partly by y'e Land of John Mathis
& partly by an Highway, more Eight acres thereof is where y'e said
Nathan Brighams Barn stands bounded Southerly by a Highway
every other way by Land Left for a way to y'e aboves'd Pond more
twenty five acres thereof scituate near Walnut Hill bounded
Northerly by y'e Land of Richard Barns every other way by Land left
for a way more thirteen acres thereof is Lying upon a Hill near Carne
Cedar swamp bounded westwardly by y'e Land of Abraham Williams every
other way by Land left for a way more thirty four acres thereof is Lying
Southwest of Andrews pond Meadow Land & upland bounded southwardly
partly by Land of W'm Ward Esq'r and partly by Land of Jacob Amsden
every other way by Land Left for a Highway more one acre of meadow Lying
on y'e west side of Elsabeth River bounded East on said River west by y'e
Land of Isaac Tomlin North by meadow of David Brigham south by a meadow
James Eager & a Highway more Sixty acres is swamp & upland in a

[Volume 10, page 448]

farm Called Eatons Farm bounded Northeast & Eastwardly by
Land of Capt. John Fay & Sam'll Fay southeastwardly by Sutton township
Line westwardly by Land formerly in y'e possession of Oliver Ward
Northwestwardly by y'e Meadow of said John & Sam'll Fay more ten
acres in swamp Land Lying by Elsabeth River bounded Westwardly
by y'e river Every other way by y'e Land of Oliver Ward John Fay &
Samuel Fay with a sixteen acre Town Right without y'e Con
Commons originally John Redcark Jun & by Each or any of y'e several
Peices or parcels Land Swamp or meadow more or Less bounded as
aforesaid or However thereways bounded or Reputed to be bounded
together with whatsoever that belongeth to me y'e Dener that is
Growing Standing or Lying thereon.  To Have & to Hold
y'e Land Given Granted and Confirmed premises wih all their
appur'ces priviledges & Comodities to ye same belonging any
way appertaining to him y'e said Nathan Brigham & to his Heirs &
assigns forever to his and their only proper use benifit & behoof
forever & that y'e said Nathan Brigham his Heirs & assigns shall
and may from time to time & att all times forever hereafter by
force & virtue of these presents Lawfully peaceably & Quietly
have hold use occupy possess & Enjoy all y'e said Given & Confirmed
premises with all their appur'ces.  In Witness whereof I y'e said Nathan
Brigham have hereunto set m hand and seal this fifth Day of April
1733 and in y'e Sixth Year of y'e Reign of our sovereign Lord George
y'e Second ^by y'e Grace of God of Great Britain France & Ireland^ King Defender of y'e Faith &c.  Nathan Brigham & a seal.
Signed Sealed & Delivered in y'e presence of John Ston Benj'a Woods
Middlesex April 5 1733  Capt. Nathan Brigham abovenamed
appeared and freely acknowledged y'e above & within written
Instrument to be his Voluntary act & Deed Before me Benj'a
Woods Justice of y'e peace.  February 6, 1738/9  Rec'd & Accordingly
Entred & Exa'd    pr John Chandler Jun'r Reg'r.

The source citation for this land record is:

 "Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, FamilySearch ( : accessed 27 January 2022), Worcester County > Deeds, 1737-1739, Vol. 10, pages 447-448 (images 262-263 of 309), Deed of Nathan Brigham to Nathan Brigham, executed 5 April 1733, recorded 6 February 1738/9;  citing original records in County Courthouses, and on FHL Microfilms.

Some background:  Nathan Brigham (1671-1746) of Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Bay married (1) Elizabeth Maynard (1664-1733) in about 1691, and they had eight children;  (2)  Mehitable (Gould)  Eaton (1685-1758) in 1734 and they had no children.  Nathan and Elizabeth (Maynard) Brigham's eldest child was Nathan Brigham (1693-1784), who married (1) Dinah Rice (1693-1725) in 1717, and they had five children; (2) Hepsibah Ward (1708-1748) in 1729, and they had eight children; (3) Martha (--?--) Gleason (1700-????) in 1751, and they had no children.  All of Nathan Brigham's children were born and raised in Marlborough, and Nathan and his wives died there.

The father Nathan had obtained land in Southborough and Westborough over the years and in this deed gave this land, comprising eight parcels and a town right,  to son Nathan for fatherly love and affection.
At the time of this deed, Nathan Brigham's first wife, Elizabeth, had recently died, and the only son of this marriage, Nathan Brigham Jr., had a growing family, and had moved to his father's land in Southborough after he married his second wife, Hepsibah Ward in about 1729.  

Nathan Brigham, Jr. (1693-1784) and his first wife, Dinah Rice (1693-1725) are my 6th great-grandparents through their son Moses Brigham (1722-1769), who married Mehitable Grout (1725-1795) in 1749.


NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"

"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."

Read other transcriptions for records of my ancestors at Amanuensis Monday Posts.

Copyright (c) 2022, Randall J. Seaver

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1 comment:

Ruth59 said...

When I am searching for online documents, I have found having the FHL film #, followed by Image # of # of images most useful. When I go back, I am easily able to see if I indeed have the correct film/collection. Ruth