The 1950 United States Census record for the household of Herman Caldron in Burlingame, San Mateo, California, residing at 1040 Carmelita, Apartment 3 (taken 4 April 1950) is on Sheet 74:
The Herman Caldron household starts on line 22 of the image (Sheet 74):
The information entered for each person in this household is:
* Line 22 of Sheet 74 - 1040 Carmelita, Apartment 3, dwelling #113, is not a farm, is not on 3 acres or more.
* Line 22 of Sheet 74 (sample questions included) - Herman Caldron, head of household, white, male, age 51, married, born in Philippines, a worker, worked 40 hours last week, occupation is supervisor of a storage unit, at Civilian Navy, a government agency. Did not live in same house one year ago, lived in San Francisco one year ago, father born in Philippines, mother born in Philippines, completed 12 years of school, does not attend school, worked 52 weeks in 1949, wages in 1949 were $3800, relatives did not earn money in own business or interest and rents, relatives did not earn money, served in World War II.
* Line 23 of Sheet 74 - Juanita Caldron, wife, white, female, age 45, married, born in Montana, a home worker, did no work last week, was looking for work, has no job.
The source citation for this family is:
1950 U.S. Federal Census, San Mateo County, California, Burlingame, ED 41-17, Sheet 74, Household 113, Lines 22 to 23, Herman Caldron household; indexed database with record images, U.S., National Archives, 1950 Census ( : accessed 5 May 2022).
Herman Vincent Caldron (1897-1976) was born 15 October 1897 in Cavite, Philippines. He married Juanita Bertina Leland (1904-1988) on 18 August 1942 in Virginia City, Nevada. Herman died 28 December 1976 in San Jose, California.
Juanita Bertina Leland (1904-1988) was born 15 June 1904 in Livingston, Montana, the daughter of Severt Oliver and Anna Amelia (Brocke) Leland. She died 27 March 1988 in San Jose. She had no children.
Juanita Bertina Leland is the aunt of my wife, Linda Joan (Leland) Seaver (1942-????).
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