I am keeping track of the new and updated historical record collections at FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/search/collection/list) every week.
As of 2 December 2022, there are 3,166 historical record collections on FamilySearch (an increase of 1 from last week):
The new and updated collections this week from FamilySearch are:
--- Collections Deleted ---
Massachusetts Births, 1841-1915 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1536925); 1,325,760 indexed records with 1,325,760 record images, DELETED
--- Collections Added ---
--- Collections Added ---
* Colombia, Civil Registration, 1553-2021 (https://familysearch.org/sear
* Virginia, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Birth Records, 1853-1949 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4496127); 111 indexed records with 111 record images, ADDED 29-Nov-2022
--- Collections Updated ---
--- Collections Updated ---
Argentina, Catamarca, Catholic Church Records, 1724-1971 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Argentina, Catamarca, Civil Registration, 1888-2000 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Argentina, Chaco, Civil Registration, 1889-1946 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Argentina, Corrientes, Catholic Church Records, 1734-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Argentina, Jujuy, Catholic Church Records, 1662-1975 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Argentina, Salta, Civil Registration, 1880-2000 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/3006885); 605,743 indexed records with 522,169 record images (was 605,739 records with 522,167 images), UPDATED 30-Nov-2022
Argentina, San Juan, Catholic Church Records, 1655-1975 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1974194); 168,877 indexed records with 83,087 record images (was 165,856 records with 83,087 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Australia, Albany, Inward Passenger Lists, 1873-1924 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4451678); 226,067 indexed records with 4,216 record images (was 190,623 records with 1,326 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Austria, Carinthia, Gurk Diocese, Catholic Church Records, 1527-1986 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2718009); 3,694,674 indexed records with 751,961 record images (was 2,955,129 records with 612,301 images), UPDATED 29-Nov-2022
Belgium, Liège, Church and Civil Registration, 1590-1947 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4439347); 8,360,045 indexed records with 5,362,505 record images (was 7,114,501 records with 4,291,464 images), UPDATED 01-Dec-2022
Argentina, San Juan, Catholic Church Records, 1655-1975 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Australia, Albany, Inward Passenger Lists, 1873-1924 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Austria, Carinthia, Gurk Diocese, Catholic Church Records, 1527-1986 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Belgium, Liège, Church and Civil Registration, 1590-1947 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Bolivia Catholic Church Records, 1566-1996 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1922463); 9,194,385 indexed records with 1,649,601 record images (was 9,192,190 records with 1,649,601 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Brazil, Cemetery Records, 1850-2021 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2137269); 927,562 indexed records with 150,972 record images (was 927,513 records with 150,972 images), UPDATED 01-Dec-2022
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Civil Registration, 1879-1949 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/3479702); 810,159 indexed records with 338,170 record images (was 807,615 records with 337,205 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Brazil, Paraná, Civil Registration, 1852-1996 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2016194); 2,615,555 indexed records with 1,689,031 record images (was 2,608,564 records with 1,689,031 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Brazil, Pará, Civil Registration, 1815-1995 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/4473609); 28,103 indexed records with 9,304 record images (was 26,401 records with 8,650 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Brazil, Cemetery Records, 1850-2021 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Civil Registration, 1879-1949 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Brazil, Paraná, Civil Registration, 1852-1996 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Brazil, Pará, Civil Registration, 1815-1995 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Civil Registration, 1860-2006 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/3741255); 1,607,296 indexed records with 821,696 record images (was 1,604,419 records with 820,315 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Civil Registration, 1829-2012 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1582573); 6,642,717 indexed records with 5,100,470 record images (was 6,640,256 records with 5,100,470 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Civil Registration, 1850-1999 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2016197); 619,853 indexed records with 1,037,638 record images (was 617,186 records with 1,037,638 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
California, County Birth and Death Records, 1800-1994 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2001287); 6,495,430 indexed records with 2,841,076 record images (was 6,494,863 records with 2,841,076 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Chile, Catholic Church Records, 1633-2015 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/3405096); 7,376,494 indexed records with 914,958 record images (was 7,366,342 records with 913,453 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Civil Registration, 1829-2012 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Civil Registration, 1850-1999 (https://familysearch.org/sea
California, County Birth and Death Records, 1800-1994 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Chile, Catholic Church Records, 1633-2015 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Chile, Civil Registration, 1885-1932 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1630787); 4,596,612 indexed records with 1,623,199 record images (was 4,596,345 records with 1,623,199 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Colombia, Catholic Church Records, 1576-2018 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1726975); 25,563,393 indexed records with 12,659,776 record images (was 25,536,315 records with 12,659,776 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Costa Rica, Catholic Church Records, 1595-1992 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1460016); 4,079,354 indexed records with 962,203 record images (was 4,065,701 records with 962,203 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Costa Rica, Civil Registration, 1823-1975 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1925429); 6,122,227 indexed records with 404,718 record images (was 6,110,887 records with 404,718 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Croatia, Church Books, 1516-1994 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2040054); 2,984,152 indexed records with 1,421,761 record images (was 2,984,140 records with 1,421,761 images), UPDATED 01-Dec-2022
Colombia, Catholic Church Records, 1576-2018 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Costa Rica, Catholic Church Records, 1595-1992 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Costa Rica, Civil Registration, 1823-1975 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Croatia, Church Books, 1516-1994 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Dominican Republic, Catholic Church Records, 1590-1975 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1918910); 2,261,377 indexed records with 238,265 record images (was 2,261,331 records with 238,265 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Ecuador, Catholic Church Records, 1565-2011 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1923402); 6,017,941 indexed records with 1,454,787 record images (was 6,010,178 records with 1,454,787 images), UPDATED 01-Dec-2022
Ecuador, Cemetery Records, 1862-2019 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/3755446); 653,164 indexed records with 351,470 record images (was 447,761 records with 341,715 images), UPDATED 29-Nov-2022
El Salvador Catholic Church Records, 1655-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1919582); 2,250,418 indexed records with 592,191 record images (was 2,248,162 records with 592,191 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
England, Gloucestershire Non-Conformist Church Records, 1642-1996 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/3648679); 204,664 indexed records with 61,508 record images (was 204,664 records with 61,507 images), UPDATED 30-Nov-2022
Ecuador, Catholic Church Records, 1565-2011 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Ecuador, Cemetery Records, 1862-2019 (https://familysearch.org/sear
El Salvador Catholic Church Records, 1655-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sear
England, Gloucestershire Non-Conformist Church Records, 1642-1996 (https://familysearch.org/sea
England, Lancashire Non-Conformist Church Records, 1647-1996 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/3656808); 1,436,324 indexed records with 106,491 record images (was 1,436,210 records with 93,853 images), UPDATED 30-Nov-2022
Florida Deaths, 1877-1939 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1595003); 487,571 indexed records with 471,267 record images (was 486,774 records with 471,267 images), UPDATED 01-Dec-2022
Florida, Divorce, 1927-1950 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/4475257); 267,319 indexed records with 267,133 record images (was 267,307 records with 267,121 images), UPDATED 30-Nov-2022
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Civil Registration, 1877-1994 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2102016); 1,043,022 indexed records with 17,770 record images (was 1,042,863 records with 17,770 images), UPDATED 01-Dec-2022
Guatemala, El Progreso, Civil Registration, 1877-1994 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2451040); 240,304 indexed records with 103,502 record images (was 239,767 records with 103,502 images), UPDATED 01-Dec-2022
Florida Deaths, 1877-1939 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Florida, Divorce, 1927-1950 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Civil Registration, 1877-1994 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Guatemala, El Progreso, Civil Registration, 1877-1994 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Guatemala, Quiché, Civil Registration, 1877-1994 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2274794); 1,050,210 indexed records with 70,397 record images (was 1,049,368 records with 70,397 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Haiti, Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince, Catholic Church Records, 1866-2017 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4279947); 27,157 indexed records with 5,980 record images (was 17,087 records with 4,690 images), UPDATED 29-Nov-2022
Honduras, Civil Registration, 1841-1968 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2135627); 537,663 indexed records with 337,976 record images (was 537,630 records with 337,976 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Hungary Civil Registration, 1895-1980 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1452460); 8,179,478 indexed records with 5,864,285 record images (was 5,894,519 records with 5,864,285 images), UPDATED 29-Nov-2022
Illinois, Monroe County, Deed Records, 1816-1900 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4427320); 110,643 indexed records with 15,502 record images (was 102,916 records with 12,279 images), UPDATED 29-Nov-2022
Haiti, Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince, Catholic Church Records, 1866-2017 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Honduras, Civil Registration, 1841-1968 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Hungary Civil Registration, 1895-1980 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Illinois, Monroe County, Deed Records, 1816-1900 (https://familysearch.org/sear
India, Madras Diocese Protestant Church Records, 1743-1990 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2174941); 251,960 indexed records with 39,904 record images (was 251,950 records with 39,904 images), UPDATED 30-Nov-2022
Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1740-1900 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2820100); 1,487,530 indexed records with 50,572 record images (was 1,341,780 records with 45,577 images), UPDATED 01-Dec-2022
Italy, Ravenna, Ravenna, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1929 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1947700); 10,165 indexed records with 1,759,182 record images (was 9,809 records with 1,759,182 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Italy, Sassari, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1803-1942 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/4464417); 12,781 indexed records with 4,132 record images (was 10,826 records with 3,474 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Italy, Treviso, Treviso, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1871-1941 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1947831); 635 indexed records with 427,232 record images (was 56 records with 427,232 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1740-1900 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Italy, Ravenna, Ravenna, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1929 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Italy, Sassari, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1803-1942 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Italy, Treviso, Treviso, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1871-1941 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Maine, United States Naturalization Records, 1918-1991 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2613134); 20,876 indexed records with 29,001 record images (was 20,867 records with 29,001 images), UPDATED 28-Nov-2022
Martinique, Church Records, 1662-1847 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/4316497); 7,347 indexed records with 1,388 record images (was 3,939 records with 405 images), UPDATED 29-Nov-2022
Massachusetts Deaths, 1841-1915, 1921-1924 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1463156); 2,010,611 indexed records with 830,893 record images (was 2,010,611 records with 830,893 images), UPDATED 01-Dec-2022
Massachusetts Marriages, 1695-1910, 1921-1924 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1675351); Index only (1,317,239 records), no images (was 1,464,148 records with 0 images), UPDATED 29-Nov-2022
Massachusetts State Vital Records, 1841-1920 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1928860); 8,014,945 indexed records with 742,594 record images (was 6,542,272 records with 742,594 images), UPDATED 01-Dec-2022
Martinique, Church Records, 1662-1847 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Massachusetts Deaths, 1841-1915, 1921-1924 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Massachusetts Marriages, 1695-1910, 1921-1924 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Massachusetts State Vital Records, 1841-1920 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Mexico, Puebla, Catholic Church Records, 1545-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1837906); 7,940,094 indexed records with 6,124,553 record images (was 7,890,685 records with 6,124,553 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Mexico, Querétaro, Catholic Church Records, 1590-1970 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1881200); 2,938,134 indexed records with 1,380,077 record images (was 2,918,812 records with 1,380,077 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Minnesota, Veterans Grave Registration Reports, 1930-1975 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/4489446); 10,974 indexed records with 10,940 record images (was 10,225 records with 10,193 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Netherlands, Noord-Holland, Civil Registration, 1811-1950 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2020117); 1,928,656 indexed records with 6,635,049 record images (was 1,917,290 records with 6,635,049 images), UPDATED 28-Nov-2022
New York, Birth Indexes outside of New York City, 1881-1942 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/4460198); 640,875 indexed records with 78,928 record images (was 640,875 records with 78,916 images), UPDATED 30-Nov-2022
Mexico, Querétaro, Catholic Church Records, 1590-1970 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Minnesota, Veterans Grave Registration Reports, 1930-1975 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Netherlands, Noord-Holland, Civil Registration, 1811-1950 (https://familysearch.org/sea
New York, Birth Indexes outside of New York City, 1881-1942 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Nicaragua Civil Registration, 1809-2013 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1601210); 2,568,905 indexed records with 2,591,542 record images (was 2,568,853 records with 2,591,542 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Nicaragua, Catholic Church Records, 1740-1960 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1494432); 820,429 indexed records with 86,119 record images (was 820,390 records with 86,119 images), UPDATED 28-Nov-2022
Palau, Church Records, 1921-1940 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4491580); 2,501 indexed records with 230 record images (was 2,370 records with 219 images), UPDATED 01-Dec-2022
Panama, Catholic Church Records, 1707-1973 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1913397); 938,526 indexed records with 240,799 record images (was 938,512 records with 240,799 images), UPDATED 28-Nov-2022
Peru, Catholic Church Records, 1603-1992 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1877097); 21,894,434 indexed records with 4,192,353 record images (was 21,872,247 records with 4,192,353 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Nicaragua, Catholic Church Records, 1740-1960 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Palau, Church Records, 1921-1940 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Panama, Catholic Church Records, 1707-1973 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Peru, Catholic Church Records, 1603-1992 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Peru, Cemetery Records, 1912-2013 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/3163400); 204,348 indexed records with 6,277 record images (was 203,832 records with 6,257 images), UPDATED 30-Nov-2022
Peru, Diocese of Huaraz, Catholic Church Records, 1641-2016 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2787829); 1,067,784 indexed records with 257,294 record images (was 1,059,966 records with 241,753 images), UPDATED 29-Nov-2022
Peru, Huánuco, Catholic Church Records, 1660-2020 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/4439346); 54,468 indexed records with 29,810 record images (was 54,217 records with 29,736 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Peru, Pasco, Civil Registration, 1931-1996 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/3755355); 125,734 indexed records with 125,395 record images (was 125,694 records with 125,355 images), UPDATED 30-Nov-2022
Portugal, Beja, Catholic Church Records, 1550-1913 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2001878); 802,582 indexed records with 684,393 record images (was 802,582 records with 684,393 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Peru, Diocese of Huaraz, Catholic Church Records, 1641-2016 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Peru, Huánuco, Catholic Church Records, 1660-2020 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Peru, Pasco, Civil Registration, 1931-1996 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Portugal, Beja, Catholic Church Records, 1550-1913 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Portugal, Porto, Catholic Church Records, 1535-1949 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1913408); 2,524,498 indexed records with 1,207,157 record images (was 2,524,498 records with 1,207,157 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Portugal, Setúbal, Catholic Church Records, 1555-1911 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1935451); 1,072,473 indexed records with 829,309 record images (was 1,072,219 records with 829,309 images), UPDATED 30-Nov-2022
Portugal, Viseu, Catholic Church Records, 1523-1989 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1928589); 2,285,228 indexed records with 1,034,661 record images (was 2,285,228 records with 1,034,661 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Portugal, Évora, Catholic Church Records, 1533-1912 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2043775); 971,617 indexed records with 702,397 record images (was 971,617 records with 702,397 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Puerto Rico, Catholic Church Records, 1645-1969 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1807092); 3,323,859 indexed records with 191,547 record images (was 3,322,560 records with 191,547 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Portugal, Setúbal, Catholic Church Records, 1555-1911 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Portugal, Viseu, Catholic Church Records, 1523-1989 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Portugal, Évora, Catholic Church Records, 1533-1912 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Puerto Rico, Catholic Church Records, 1645-1969 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Samoa, Vital Records, 1846-1996 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4016424); 91,694 indexed records with 436,469 record images (was 91,694 records with 436,455 images), UPDATED 30-Nov-2022
South Africa, Church of the Province of South Africa, Parish Registers, 1801-2004 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1468076); 2,214,338 indexed records with 355,318 record images (was 2,213,766 records with 355,318 images), UPDATED 30-Nov-2022
South Africa, Dutch Reformed Church Registers (Cape Town Archives), 1660-1970 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1478678); 1,153,051 indexed records with 45,728 record images (was 1,086,318 records with 45,728 images), UPDATED 28-Nov-2022
South Africa, KwaZulu Natal, Vital Records, 1868-1976 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/3511741); 642,125 indexed records with 901,593 record images (was 642,026 records with 901,550 images), UPDATED 30-Nov-2022
South Africa, Reformed Church Records, 1856-1988 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1918294); 17,792 indexed records with 40,337 record images (was 17,792 records with 40,337 images), UPDATED 30-Nov-2022
South Africa, Church of the Province of South Africa, Parish Registers, 1801-2004 (https://familysearch.org/sea
South Africa, Dutch Reformed Church Registers (Cape Town Archives), 1660-1970 (https://familysearch.org/sea
South Africa, KwaZulu Natal, Vital Records, 1868-1976 (https://familysearch.org/sea
South Africa, Reformed Church Records, 1856-1988 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Tennessee Deaths, 1914-1966 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1417505); 1,923,625 indexed records with 2,017,500 record images (was 1,923,622 records with 2,017,500 images), UPDATED 30-Nov-2022
Texas, Gregg County, Marriage Records, 1873-2017 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4491568); 144,205 indexed records with 119,396 record images (was 144,140 records with 119,331 images), UPDATED 30-Nov-2022
Texas, Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at Corpus Christi, Texas, and Vicinity, June 1948-January 1959 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/3160706); 79,800 indexed records with 4,349 record images (was 79,780 records with 1,619 images), UPDATED 29-Nov-2022
United States, Veterans Administration Master Index, 1917-1940 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2968245); 6,932,344 indexed records with 5,607,132 record images (was 6,931,032 records with 5,610,939 images), UPDATED 29-Nov-2022
Uruguay Civil Registration, 1879-1930 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1837849); Index only (516,318 records), no images (was 509,917 records with 0 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Texas, Gregg County, Marriage Records, 1873-2017 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Texas, Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at Corpus Christi, Texas, and Vicinity, June 1948-January 1959 (https://familysearch.org/sear
United States, Veterans Administration Master Index, 1917-1940 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Uruguay Civil Registration, 1879-1930 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Venezuela Civil Registration, 1873-2003 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1823609); 974,657 indexed records with 586,312 record images (was 974,569 records with 586,312 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Venezuela, Archdiocese of Caracas, Catholic Church Records, 1638-2020 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/4465438); 22,198 indexed records with 12,696 record images (was 20,527 records with 11,836 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Virginia, Vital Records, 1715-1901 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4149585); 1,425,631 indexed records with 76,033 record images (was 1,319,451 records with 72,307 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
Washington, Native American, Census Records, 1880-1952 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2790178); 140,797 indexed records with 8,301 record images (was 140,781 records with 8,300 images), UPDATED 28-Nov-2022
Zimbabwe, Archdiocese of Harare, Church Records, 1897-2021 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4475014); 301,882 indexed records with 35,403 record images (was 247,159 records with 29,950 images), UPDATED 02-Dec-2022
--- Collections with images removed ---
Venezuela, Archdiocese of Caracas, Catholic Church Records, 1638-2020 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Virginia, Vital Records, 1715-1901 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Washington, Native American, Census Records, 1880-1952 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Zimbabwe, Archdiocese of Harare, Church Records, 1897-2021 (https://familysearch.org/sear
--- Collections with images removed ---
England, Cambridgeshire Bishop's Transcripts, 1538-1983 (https://familysearch.org/sear
France, Dordogne, Church and Civil Registration, 1540-1896 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Germany, Rhineland, Diocese of Trier, Catholic Church Records, 1704-1957 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Hawaii, Collector of Customs, Ships' Passenger Manifests, 1843-1900 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Hungary, Church Books, 1624-1950 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Maryland, Baltimore Passenger Lists Index, 1897-1952 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/3398454); 653,829 indexed records with 652,614 record images (was 653,829 records with 652,840 images), last updated 15-Apr-2020
Scandinavia, Mission Emigration Records, 1852-1920 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/3288472); 27,406 indexed records with 81 record images (was 27,406 records with 893 images), last updated 11-Jul-2019
South Africa, Civil Death Registration, 1955-1966 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/3732506); 1,227,265 indexed records with 1,226,680 record images (was 1,227,265 records with 1,226,681 images), last updated 09-Nov-2022
Uruguay, Passenger Lists, 1888-1980 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2691993); 3,641,119 indexed records with 153,619 record images (was 3,641,119 records with 157,177 images), last updated 19-Nov-2020
--- Collections with records removed ---
Scandinavia, Mission Emigration Records, 1852-1920 (https://familysearch.org/sear
South Africa, Civil Death Registration, 1955-1966 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Uruguay, Passenger Lists, 1888-1980 (https://familysearch.org/sea
--- Collections with records removed ---
Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 (https://familysearch.org/sear
United States Public Records, 1970-2009 (https://familysearch.org/sear
My friend and SDGS colleague, Marshall, has come up with a way to determine which collections are ADDED, DELETED or UPDATED, and to alphabetize the entries in each category. Thanks to Marshall for helping me out here!
In order to select a specific record collection on FamilySearch, go to https://familysearch.org/search/collection/list and use the "Filter by collection name" feature in the upper left-hand corner and use keywords (e.g. "church england") to find collections with those keywords.
Each one of the collections listed above has a Research Wiki page (use the "Learn more" link). It would be very useful if the Wiki page for each collection listed the dates for when the collection was added as a new collection and the dates for major updates also.
Each one of the collections listed above has a Research Wiki page (use the "Learn more" link). It would be very useful if the Wiki page for each collection listed the dates for when the collection was added as a new collection and the dates for major updates also.
The URL for this post is: https://www.geneamusings.com/2022/12/added-and-updated-familysearchorg.html
Copyright (c) 2022, Randall J. Seaver
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