The 1950 United States Census record for my paternal grandmother, Alma B. Seaber, was found in Leominster, Worcester County, Massachusetts, ED 14-246, Sheet #73 (taken 13 April 1950), residing at 91 Merriam Avenue:
The Seaver household is in lines 11 to 12:
The information entered for each person in this household is:
* Line 11 - 91 Merriam Avenue, dwelling #133, 3rd floor, not a farm, not on 3+ acres
** Alma B. Seaver - head, white, female, age 68, widowed, born in Connecticut, keeping house.
** Dorothey L. ?ockey - lodger, white, female, age 31, never married, born in Texas, worked last week, worked 40 hours last week, in assembling, worked in plastic factory, a private company.
The source citation for this family is:
1950 U.S. Federal Census, Worcester County, Massachusetts, Leominster, ED 14-246, Sheet 73, Household 233, Lines 11-12, resided 91 Merriam Avenue, 3rd floor, Alma B. Seaver household; indexed database with record images, U.S., National Archives, 1950 Census ( : accessed 1 April 2022).
Alma Bessie Seaver (1882-1962) is my paternal grandmother. Her husband, Frederick Walton Seaver (1876-1942) died in 1942, and she lived with her youngest daughter, Geraldine in Leominster and in Northampton, Massachusetts. In the 1950 census, Geraldine had moved to Northampton and Bessie had moved back to Leominster and rented an apartment at 91 Merriam Avenue. A sister and several married children lived in Leominster at the time, and she had a wide circle of friends. I doubt that anyone knows who Dorothy ?ockey was - probably just a lodger who worked at a local plastic factory and rented a bedroom from Bessie.
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