Wednesday, May 24, 2023

MyHeritage Updates Data for Theory of Family Relativity

 I received this information from Daniel Horowitz of MyHeritage today:


I have great news for you! We’ve just updated the data for Theory of Family Relativity™, adding millions of new theories to help you uncover how you’re related to your DNA Matches.

Thanks to this new update:

  • The total number of theories has grown to 136,713,021, representing a 61% increase.
  • The number of DNA Matches that include a theory has increased by 78%, to 95,691,486.
  • The total number of paths has grown by 51.2%, for a total of 998,325,515 paths.
  • The number of DNA kits with at least one theory has grown by 23.6%, to 2,353,769 kits.
  • An additional 402,255 users have one or more Theories of Family Relativity™.

Theory of Family Relativity™ is a groundbreaking feature that can save you hours of work trying to understand your connection to your DNA Matches. It harnesses billions of data points across MyHeritage’s huge database of family trees and historical records to provide you with plausible theories about how you and your DNA Matches are related.

In addition to this update, we’ve made some improvements to the DNA section of the website, all of which are detailed in the blog post.


Disclosure: I receive a complimentary subscription to MyHeritage, and gave received other material consideration in past years. I uploaded my autosomal DNA raw data to their DNA product. This does not affect my objective analysis of MyHeritage products.  I am a subscriber to Family Tree Webinars and love it.

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Copyright (c) 2023, Randall J. Seaver

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